KlearGear Sucks
I don't have a lot to add about this story. A company called KlearGear trying to fine customers for writing a bad review about it (based on some BS prior restraint on criticism buried in their terms and conditions) and then hounding the customers' credit rating through debt collection agencies. But I am all for the Streisand effect bringing karmic retribution to such folks, so here is my contribution to Google.
By the way, I found their current header warning to be odd:
Anyone ever heard of a "business hour" before? Since most customers would not really freak at a 48 hour or 2-day order processing time, anyone want to bet that this means 6 business days (6x8 hours) or over a week, but is meant to fool folks into thinking only two days? I would ask them directly but there is no way to send them an email without registering first as a customer. Since by registering, I apparently cede my ability to ever criticize them, I won't be able to write them for clarification.
Our business gets mostly positive reviews, but we get bad ones from time to time. Every bad review is both a pain in the butt (as they hang around forever on the Internet) but also an opportunity for me to learn and identify problems in the business. On a couple of occasions I have identified personnel problems through online reviews that let me fix a real problem before something much worse happened.
Update: The bottom of their home page says "As seen on ABC's Good Morning America". Yup. LOL