My Favorite Line of the Day
In a report from the DOE Inspector General, which said that $500,000 of equipment bought with stimulus money was missing at a battery company:
“It would not be appropriate to release the name of stimulus-money recipient where the $500,000 worth of equipment could not be located.”
But it is A-OK to excoriate by name any number of corporations that create value legally if doing so advances this Administration's re-election prospects.
I'd like for that administration official to explain exactly WHY it isn't appropriate to release the name of the company. Since it was public money that funded the missing equipment, shouldn't it be public information? Also - I love the euphemism for theft or total incompetence in the report: "monetary misplacement"
geez, the stimulus really turned out to be quite a boondoggle. i can't understand why this isn't bigger news. I mean, I know why, but...
George Hartzman's Wells Fargo Whistleblower INTERNAL USE ONLY Evidence Dump
Sure, the green battery company can misplace a half million bucks, but you lose ONE egg tax form . . .
>>> But it is A-OK to excoriate by name any number of corporations that create value legally if doing so advances this Administration’s re-election prospects.
Of course. This much is obvious. Anything to push the libtard agenda.
>>>> Also – I love the euphemism for theft or total incompetence in the report: “monetary misplacement”
It all started with "It depends on what you mean by 'No'"...
I think Dan nailed it on the head - with an overabundance of laws with potentially severe consequences, selective prosecution becomes an effective superpower.
Comment number Nth_10 asking why the hell not?
Why isn't it appropriate to release the information about a company that could very well have stolen $500,000 worth of taxpayer funds?
And how many more times does stuff like this have to happen before people get it through their thick skulls that government is inept, incompetent, and the creator of problems rather than the solution?
>>> And how many more times does stuff like this have to happen before people get it through their thick skulls that government is inept, incompetent, and the creator of problems rather than the solution?
An infinite number.
IQ is a measure of how well you learn from books.
"Wisdom" is how well you learn from experience.
There is no WQ test to match the IQ test, but, if there were, I make the claim that liberals would consistently rank in the bottom two quintiles on it. Yes, they are mostly "widiots".
Think about it carefully. They just can't learn at all from experience. Hence their endless support for collectivism (Communism works, it's just that no one's ever done it RIGHT), their boundless faith in government (it's only the OTHER guys who are crooks), and their determination that no one but Them and Their Heroes ever does anything with Good in Their Hearts (ignoring the self-evident fact that most of the Left are self-centered, greedy, racist assholes with hearts that are "ten sizes too small").
Book learning doesn't affect this, and there's virtually no correlation between book learning and wisdom. Noam Chompsky more than amply shows that... he's obviously brilliant and yet a total fool. And there are lots of wise men out there who have never completed high school.
So remember that -- they CAN'T learn. Literally.
This is due to a mechanism in libtard brains which I call the “Liberal Midnight Reset Button®”
a) Suppose you meet a libtard who appears reasonable. They are open and honest and fully willing to discuss, without excessive histrionics, any point of view they espouse… (yes, this is admittedly rare)
b) Now, pick a topic dear to them, which you know they believe in but which you also know to be clearly wrongheaded, even if well-meaning.
c) Start with their supposition, and take them, step by logical step through from their supposition, getting acquiescence at each stage: “Yeah, that follows, uh-huh…”. Show by such reasoning that the net affect of their supposition is the end result will be the exact opposite of what they purportedly support or believe in.
d) OK, you’ve won. Now what? Wait. You’ll hear something like… “Hmmm. I’m going to have to think about that.”, and you’ll go your own separate ways.
e) Now, a week passes, seek them out. Bring the subject of their supposition up again, subtly. You will hear them espousing the exact same notions of their original supposition unchanged, unaltered, as though the entire reasoning process you took them through in “c” never happened!
So what happened? The Liberal Midnight Reset Button® is what happened. At some point in the ensuing day or so, after they dropped off to sleep, their tiny widdle libtard brain started to process the new information. It carefully examined the new information in relation to Officially Accepted Liberal Dogma® (OALD), found it to be unacceptably running counter to it, and purged the new information without adding it to the libtard’s store of knowledge. BAM, conflict ended, Liberal Twitticism remains intact.
With practice, you can even watch this thing start to kick in as you have the discussion with them. In many cases, if they learn you’re “dangerous” to their precious Officially Accepted Liberal Dogma®, they will preemptively act to terminate, redirect, or otherwise alter the conversation to avoid the necessary mental CPU cycles required to purge the non-agreeing data.
You think I’m being facetious? Only in a sense. This process does exist and it really does act to prevent true libtards from actually learning anything new. ;) And I've seen it kick in on more than one occasion.