Day Late, Billions of Dollars Short
The NY Times has finally published a comprehensive take-down on the insanity of biofuel subsidies here. All well and good, but this is at least five years too late. For years, while this and other blogs have tried to point out that the biofuel emporer's has no clothes, the NY Times has been publishing breathless articles in support of biofuel subsidies and mandates, in fact criticizing the Bush administration and Congress for not moving faster on them.
So is this what we must expect from the NY Times and the rest of the media? Shameless pandering to politically correct policy goals that make no scientific sense until it is virtually too late to halt their momentum? If so, everyone should read the Times' coverage on climate with a jaded eye, because it would not surprise me in the least to see the Times publish the definitive article on why the global warming alarmists are full of hot air only after Congress has gutted our economy with new climate taxes and mandates.
"If so, everyone should read the Times' coverage on climate with a jaded eye, because it would not surprise me in the least to see the Times publish the definitive article on why the global warming alarmists are full of hot air only after Congress has gutted our economy with new climate taxes and mandates."
Too true. But if the oil and coal industries are crippled, it will be mission accomplished.
The link you have posted points to an except from Time Magazaine, not the NY times.
The article is in Time Magazine, not the NY Times.
In any case, it is good to see someone talking sense in the MSM.
The embarassing fact for Warren is that it was indeed Time Magazine, and not "The New York Times."
The embarassing fact for the New York Times is that they still haven't printed this information.
- Dan.