Posts tagged ‘Demolition Man’

KFC and China

Apparently YUM Brands stock is falling because investors are worried about KFC's prospects in China.  I am not a YUM supporter particularly, nor am I a patron of KFC, but from some exposure to China I can say that KFC in China is like Taco Bell in the movie Demolition Man.  They own the market.

The Next Crisis-Emergency-Rush

I have been trying to find a word to describe the legislative style we have seen prominently over the last 9 months (though it was used long before this administration -- the Patriot Act comes to mind).   Unable to think of any other name, an in homage to "murder-death-kill" in "Demolition Man,"  I am going to call it Crisis-Emergency-Rush.

TARP was a Crisis-Emergency-Rush.  As was the Stimulus bill, Waxman-Markey, and now Health Care.  (The last two are particularly hilarious when one needs to evaluate the need to rush.   Waxman-Markey is implemented over decades, and the health care bills as currently written don't really begin to take effect until 2013).

So here is my prediction for the next Crisis-Emergency-Rush:  Raising taxes.  Obama already has his boys out sending trial balloons about new taxes, even beyond those required in Waxman-Markey and to fund the health care bill.  Having spent over a trillion dollars on useless spending to support favored political constituencies, Obama will now declare a fiscal crisis that can only be solved by increased taxes on his non-favored constituencies.

Demolition Man: Movie Ahead of its Time?

OK, the 1993 movie Demolition Man was not that great of a movie, though Wesley Snipes was pretty cool and Stallone was a lot less stiff than usual.  And the shell gag was pretty funny.  The highlight, however, was the debut (I think) of Sandra Bullock in a major picture.

For a number of years, Stallone and Governor Arnold, the two major action movie stars of the time, traded barbs with each other in their flicks.  For example, in the 1993's Last Action Hero, Arnold makes a joke about Stallone in a video rental store.  In 1994's True Lies (an awesome movie) Jamie Lee Curtis, Arnold's movie wife, says "I married Rambo". 

In Demolition Man, it was Stallone's turn.  Driving through future-era LA, Stallone is trying to adjust to waking up in the future after being frozen for a fifty years or so.  He has this conversation after seeing a large building out his window:

Stallone: "Hold it! The Schwarzenegger Library?"
Bullock: "Yes, the Schwarzenegger Presidential Library. Wasn't he an actor?"
Stallone: "Stop! He was President?"
Bullock: "Yes. Even though he was not born in this country, his popularity at the time caused the 61st Amendment"¦"

After which Stallone looks like he is going to puke.  At the time, in 1993, this was a ridiculous joke, the stupidest thing you could imagine.  Now, ?

PS, how did I ever leave True Lies off this list?  Gotta add it.