Welcome 2006 Weblog Awards (Sticky)
Note to readers: This post is sticky through 12/15. There are new posts just below this one!
Welcome! This year we are in the blogs ranked 1751-2500. Please cast your vote for Coyote Blog here. You can vote once per day! For those new to the site, here is some of what I do here:
Real-life small business experiences: Buying a company; Working with the Department of Labor; Case Studies on the Minimum Wage; What's on my Desk Today; Getting an SBA Loan
Economics: The myth of Zero-sum Economics; 60 second refutation of socialism; Business Relocation and the Prisoners Dilemma; Technocrats, government and disasters; Advice for the Reality-Based Community; Roosevelt's NRA: America's Flirtation with Fascism; the Trade Deficit is not a Debt; A Challenge to Lou Dobbs; In Praise of Robber Barons
Libertarian political commentary: Respecting individual decision-making, The real implications of a Privacy Right, Technocrats get their comeuppance, A defense of Open Immigration, New Alien and Sedition laws, Conservatives, let your enemy speak, Liberals, let your enemy speak(and here), Iraq war, The Kelo decision,
Climate Science: The skeptical middle ground on warming; A skeptics guide to An Inconvenient Truth
Frustration with runaway torts: Jackpot Litigation; Coyote vs. ACME
Camping (my business): New American nomads; This RV is just wrong
Attempts at humor: How to spot a dictatorship; Coyote's Law; Making fun of the UN and the Internet;
Sports: The Baseball Closer Role is Nuts; I hate penalty kicks; Pre-season college football rankings are the most important
ACME Products: Instant Girl; Ultimatum Gun; Earthquake Pills
How I Married Well: My Wife, the Fashion Diva; My Wife's Fashion Awards (and here)
Oh, and I promote my new novel, BMOC, a little bit.
15 penis enlargement devices, 10 penis enlargement patches.