Looking for Pyramid Lake Help from SoCal Readers

I have gotten some nice, supportive feedback from my earlier post on my frustration with the recent oil spill at Pyramid Lake, California.  So much so that I would like to ask any readers who are familiar with Pyramid Lake (the one in LA county, not the larger one in Nevada) to send me an email -- We are considering a few new services at the park and some approaches to cut down on the long waits to get on the boat ramp, and I would like to discuss them with a few smart blog readers.

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I lived in LA for a long time before moving to Phoenix. I sent the link to a friend of mine who boats up there, hopefully he'll comment.

I'm not that familiar with with Pyramid Lake, but I live and blog in Los Angeles, and I'm a fan of your blog, and last spring I visited Slide Rock Park.

So, if there is any way I can help, let me know!

Jim Bursch

I live in Lancaster, CA I want to go for a day of fun at Pyramid Lake, CA. I can only walk with a cane. I have no boat. Suggestions on how and what to do? Thanks