Ups and Downs of a Small Business
Running a small business can be quite "interesting". Last summer we dealt with 4 hurricanes that shut down our Florida operations for over a month. This winter we have had great success winning new contracts, including one we are very excited about at Pyramid Lake, California. We got all our investments made to support this contract, got all the necessary staff on payroll, and wham, a local pipeline company spills over 100,000 gallons of crude oil into the lake and it is now closed for weeks, with a substantial loss of revenue in prime spring boating season. Sigh.
Fooey. Especially in lit of your post about bargaining in Florida. Do you know the blog, The Piton? Multiauthor, on outdoor industry. Ran across it today.
Since it is blog comment week, I thought I'd introduce you two.
Yes, running your own business is full of pitfalls most people never consider. I hope things are up and running for you soon.
only the strong survive and we predict you are amongst the few s&s
I'm from a business family and it seems to me that the madness of many regulations (in the UK) is explicable by the fact that so few politicians and civil servants are. Might the same be true in the USA, do you think?