Saturday Links
I almost never publish links posts. But I was really stuck when I read Radley Balko's Saturday Morning Links post because every one was awesome. Balko is not only one of the best bloggers out there, but a great journalist as well in a field of us pundits who put on pretensions of being pajama-clad investigators. So here are all of his morning links:
Why there are 60 minutes in an hour
Bloomberg takes the next step down the road toward anti-tobacco hysteria.
Zimbabwean newspaper prints billboards on paper made from the country's worthless currency.
Legless frogs epidemic probably not caused by pollution, but by dragonfly nymphs with a jones for frogs' legs.
Obama administration will support indefinite detention of terror suspects without a trial; drops the news late in the evening on a summer Friday.
TSA detains man for comic book script. Kicker: Scropt was about a guy who gets wrongfully harassed by the government for writing fiction about terror attacks that came true.