Bring it On
Bloom Energy is introducing what looks like a 200kW fuel cell that runs on natural gas for about $700,000. That compares pretty favorably with the current cost of at least $2,000 per KW to build a coal plant, especially when one factors in reduced distribution and pollution costs. We have gobs of natural gas and are finding more all the time, and (unlike something like hydrogen) the distribution and storage infrastructure is already in place. Hope it works.
I often critique new energy technologies here, and that critique is often confused with a hostility to new technologies. This is far from the case. Living here in Phoenix, I would love to have cheap solar cells to spread over my roof like carpet. What I am opposed to is government subsidies for technologies that are not even close to economic compared to current alternatives. I don't know the Bloom business model (I am suspicious they have a large rent-seeking component if KP is funding them) but if they can make these work subsidy free, that's great.