Kate Groves Handbags Featured in the Newspaper!
Hey, look! We are fashion-blogging here at Coyote Blog today (fellow Princetonian Virginia Postrel would be proud) We are having fun today as my wife, Kate Groves, had her handmade handbags and purses featured in the weekend style section of the Arizona Republic today! Of course, being the MSM, they forgot to put her web site in the article, but they have the article and a link to her site here. Since they only keep the articles online for a week (server disk space must be expensive over there) we have cached the article on Kate Groves handbags here. Kate's website with all of her purse designs are here. |
The link to Kate's website doesn't work. It has your address infront of hers.
I should have said the last link to her website at the end of the post.
Thanks, fixed.