Posts tagged ‘Red Bull’

Coyote Cocktails

My guess is that there are no new cocktails under the sun, but I have not found anything similar out there so here is my current favorite homegrown concoction.  Call it a Coyote Cocktail if it has not been named yet.   I suppose it is sort of kind of like a Sidecar but I actually started from an Old Fashioned to get here:

  • 2 parts Bourbon (I think a slightly sweeter one like Makers Mark works well)
  • 1 part Cointreau
  • 1 part fresh grapefruit juice (we have a tree so this is easy)
  • a couple dashes of orange bitters

stir over ice.

A lot of restaurants in my area are serving slightly spicy tequila drinks, making Palomas or Spicy Margaritas with pepper-infused tequlia.  We have home-infused a bottle of tequila with peppers and really like it.  Our first try was a disaster -- we put 2 or 3 small dry peppers in bottle of tequila and let it sit for 5 days.  Mistake!  That is way too long.  A day is all that is needed for a good infusion and a nice level of spice.  We held onto the five-day flamethrower tequila.  It is fun to serve as a shot to friends who think they are manly for pounding Jagermeister.  Really gets their attention.

As an awful aside, apparently my son and his friends at college drink some concoction made of Jagermeister and Red Bull.  I am told this is a standard at clubs nowadays.  gahk.  Possibly even worse than the Schmidt Beer I drank occasionally at college when we were short on cash.

The Miracle of Gas Prices

I have written before about how amazing it is that gasoline can be delivered to your car so cheaply.  The investments, the technological complexity, the distances covered, the molecular-level processing necessary, the density of retail distributions establishments -- they are all simply staggering.

I hate to steal this in full from Mark Perry, who has an awesome blog, but he has a list of the price per gallon of other liquids you buy.  Think about the complexity of, say, orange juice as opposed to gasoline.

Product Cost Per Gallon
HP Printer Ink $4,500
Nyquil $107.52
Premium Vodka $76.80
Honey $46.72
Hair Gel $44.80
Pancake Syrup $32.26
Red Bull $28.00
Windex $23.81
Real Lemon Juice $22.91
Soy Sauce $22.66
Chicken Noodle Soup $21.25
Mouthwash $19.65
Tide Laundry Detergent $18.18
Dawn Dish Detergent $17.92
Craft Beer $17.78
Mustard $17.41
Mayonnaise $17.02
409 Cleaner $16.64
Ranch Dressing $16.00
Half and Half Cream $15.87
Shampoo $15.36
Spaghetti Sauce $14.59
Ketchup $13.95
Vegetable Oil $13.44
Orange Juice $11.69
V-8 $10.37
Tomato Juice $9.47
Juicy Juice $8.83
Cranberry Juice $7.94
Soy Milk $6.66
Gatorade $6.53
Apple Juice $6.00
Iced Tea $5.89
Ammonia $4.10
Milk $4.00
Pepsi $3.71
Vinegar $3.07
Sparkling Water $2.94
Gasoline $2.05