My New Rules
Well, I guess it should be obvious that I have not totally given up blogging. I thank everyone for the nice emails and the nice comments.
However, I am going to try some new rules for the next month, less on my blogging and more on how I engage with the news.
- No more Twitter. For those of you who use Twitter as a news aggregator, my posts will still appear on twitter and from time to time I will post things there that fit on twitter better than in a full blog post. But I am not going to read my feed, and I am really not going to engage with things in my feed. Everyone is trying to piss me off, and worse, a few times they have been successful and I have posted juvenile retorts that I later regretted. I am going to keep a Civ 6 game on my computer and every time I am even tempted to open twitter I will play a couple of turns of Civ 6, worrying instead how to keep Gandhi from nuking me again. Ironically, I just today ticked over 1000 followers on Twitter, so thanks very much for the support, but if you tweet at me over the next month I won't see it.
- Paring down my RSS feed. I have read partisan political blogs on both sides of the aisle for years. In fact it has been a point of pride that I read from both sides. But these folks are all crazy, all the more so because they waste so many electrons arguing their side is sane and the other is crazy. Everyone on these blogs is trying to just make me angry or afraid. I am not going to play. I can get angry and afraid all by myself. All the political blogs are going out the window for the next month. The more polemical climate blogs are going out. Anyone who uses the words "Comey" or "Russia" or "Impeach" or "Benghazi" in two out of three posts is gone. Unfortunately, this means, at least for this month, that I cast off Instapundit as well, which is hard for me because Professor Reynolds really gave me my first traffic and helped promote my book.
- I have been reading the same stuff for years. Over time I need to find some like-minded folks interested in discussing policy while still capable of assuming that folks who disagree with them may actually be people of good will. But I don't want to spend my time in full wonk mode either. I will call Megan McArdle my benchmark of what I am looking for, and I am accepting recommendations for folks Left and Right of her to read. Kevin Drum for example on the Left was pretty good on this dimension when his guys were in office but he is much more in team politics mode now (Mother Jones banning me didn't help, particularly since they banned me for referring to the "NRA" in a comment -- particularly funny since I was referring to FDR's National Industrial Recovery Act and not to the much-hated-by-progressives National Rifle Association).
My wife never reads my blog and probably is not too in touch with my existential blogging angst of late, but out of the blue the other day she suggested it would be fun to set up a salon where we could bring together folks across the political spectrum to have discussions of issues of the day. I thought this was a great idea and have been thinking about how to pull this off. Unlike what seems to be fashionable today, we actually have friends across the political spectrum -- something that has been easy considering one of our families consists of Massachusetts Progressives (from Antioch, no less!) one is of Texas Conservatives (with oil company executives, no less!). Our families always got along great but I worry that a few of my friends my be at each others' throats if we have them talking politics in the same room. So we have to figure out how to discuss policy, not politics.