Garbage Nazis
Apparently, the garbage nazis have won the contract in Seattle. To remind you, here were some of their proposals in their bid for the contract:
If [CEO Chris] Martin is allowed to implement what he calls "my best
idea, my get-people-riled-up thing," we could all soon be subject to a
kind of garbage audit, too. He wants to bring the equivalent of the
red-light camera to your front curb. Just as the traffic camera
captures you running through a stoplight, CleanScapes' incriminating
photos would catch you improperly disposing of a milk carton. (It
belongs in the recycling bin.)
He also has advocated mandatory waster audits, whatever those are. This is the choice that libertarians face every day -- we can either vote for a party that wants to listen to our phone calls or the party that wants to search our garbage. Put a pizza carton in the recycling, you spend a night in the box. Put a milk carton in the trash, you spend a night in the box.
It's never too early to start google bombing the company's home page: Garbage Nazis