Testing Email

One of the flaws with the older version of this blog is that there was no way for folks to sign up for email digests or emails of posts.  This almost drove me to Medium or Substack but I think I have it solved here on WordPress (the key seems to be to NOT use the wordpress mail function).  There is a sign up box on the website now for the email digest.

By the way, in the general implosion of Disqus several years ago we lost several years of comments.  Sorry.  Older ones are there but are lost for a period of time after about 2020.

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As I was subscribed to (too many) Substack blogs, I eventually started sending out a daily summary of my blog posts through Substack Notes. I wouldn't call it a success, as I only have single-digit subscribers to that, but it's a (free) option should you choose to go that way.


How very nice.

I'll sit down and be quiet now but I posted to my blog on the 18th that you were back but only on X. So, the world really is a strange place indeed.

Great to see you back!

I've been intermittently checking for... years, and each time have been sorely disappointed. Today I thought that I'd check one last time before nuking the Coyote Blog bookmark --- and here you are.
Persistence (and hope) DO pay off!