A New Series: Trans-partisan Policy Plans
For a while I have been thinking about a jumble of interrelated issues: problems with civil discourse, particularly the tribalization of politics and social media; a personal aspiration to be better at Caplan's ideological Turing test on a number of issues; and a skepticism that pleas for civility are really going to achieve more than just becoming another form of virtue signalling.
So what I have decided to start a new series with a number of policy proposals that are as broad in their appeal as I can make them. And in saying this I am not just going to present libertarian plans and call them non-partisan -- I bring libertarian-ish leanings to these proposals, but I will also diverge from the hard core libertarian position on each. I use trans-pipartisan" as a shortcut term to say they are meant to simultaneously play on all of Arnold Kling's three axes of politics.
As a warning, I am not a policy expert and a large reason I present these is to develop and clarify my own thinking. Some will be well-developed -- the climate plan is in its 3rd or 4th iteration -- and some like the education plan is just a jumble of thoughts in my brain right now.