Greatest Bar TV Ever
Was at a bar in the new Andaz Hotel in Scottsdale, at a restaurant called Warp and Woof. I like the contemporary vibe of a lot of Andaz hotels, including this one in particular.
Anyway, over the bar, rather than some random college basketball game, they had Bob Ross painting shows on a loop. Excellent.
Updated: I am thinking of an Anchorman - Bob Ross mashup here: "See the happy, happy scotch. Scotchie Scotchie Scotch. Oh, look, I didn't realize I ordered a double. We don’t make mistakes. We just have happy accidents."
Best Bob Ross spoof (language warning):
TVs have mostly ruined bar/pub culture but in theory they could be used to enhance rather than distract from what is going on in the bar.
Personally I'd like to see more music concert/performance video and less sports. Classic movies might be nice - I can see the Bob Ross thing in the right context - kind of surprised to see it in a trendy hotel/airport bar though.
It is undoubtedly the case that the more media choice there is the more we get force-fed the same crap in public spaces. You can't go to Home Depot, a sports bar or a hamburger joint these days without constantly being being assaulted with music designed for 13yr old girls.
That! It's one of the reasons why I avoid sports bars. (... plus the fact that I have no interest in sports at all.) I have more than once had to ask a restaurant manager to please turn the muzak down so we could have a normal conversation.
Would you like to science now?
I like penguins.
Bob Ross on a loop - now that'll put you to sleep. Quietly relaxing in the background though.