Looking for Some Help -- Business Owners with 10-40 Employees

I am doing a paper on labor market regulation which I hope to get published through a prominent think tank.  I run a service business with about 300-400 near-minimum-wage employees, so I am familiar with a lot of labor regulation.  However, to make sure I am not missing something that may seem small to me but might be a big deal for a smaller company, I am looking to interview a few owners of small businesses.  I am looking for folks who run companies from 10-40 employees.  My preference is that most of the employees be average income or lower -- in other words, I don't really need to talk to the owners of 15-person hedge funds about overtime rules.

Interviews will be entirely private and no one will be quoted or referred to by name or even anonymously.  This is just background for me.  If you fit these criteria and are willing to help with a 30-minute phone interview, drop me an email at the contact link above.  I am out for a few days so you may not hear back for a week or so.

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Hi Warren, the founder of Maineworks is a friend of mine - https://www.maineworks.us/about-us

I doubt she is of our political orientation, but she is pretty amazing. I donate to the related charity.

But the 15 person hedge fund will be an ardent supporter of the minimum wage because it doesn't effect them.
