Why Remove Hamilton Instead of Jackson?
Apparently, it is Hamilton that will get the ax on the $10 bill rather than Jackson on the $20 in order to make way for some fresh historical faces. I am not the biggest Hamilton supporter in the world, and he was never a President, but he had as much to do with the form our Constitution takes today as any man in history. On the other hand, for whatever points Jackson might make with me by opposing the Bank of the United States, he was really a horrible person. His attitude about blacks and his treatment of slaves represented the worst of the slave-holding South, his his ruthless role in wiping out of the Cherokee nation is beyond criminal.
To this day, I don't know how the conflict between nomadic Native Americans and European settlers looking to build towns and farms could ever have had a happy ending. But the one exception to this was the Cherokee, who settled down in communities in Georgia that in most ways mirrored European communities in the rest of the early United States. If there are any native americans we should have been able to integrate into American society, it was the Cherokee. And we wiped them out. Awful. I would rather the $20 bill be blank than have that genocidal maniac on it.
PS- would love to see someone like Harriet Tubman on the money, or really anyone else whose contribution did not consist merely of exercising power over me. Hell, put Steve Jobs on there -- the iPad, and the Apple II before it, have improved my happiness more than any politician.
What would we have if you and your fellow thieves could just force this on us without even one control from government to slow you down? Things are bad enough as it is.
If you mean this planet then yes, we have the same origin. And as I pointed out, I tend to take a Rothbardian view of Ms. Rand that many of her followers detest. And I hardly believe what she does on many issues. I do not think that smoking is a virtue, that marital infidelity is acceptable, or that foreign wars are desirable. While much of Objectivism is perfectly acceptable some of the ideas, covered in the play cited above, are juvenile and simplistic.
That said, I would rather pay attention to Rand than any of the modern political voices on the Left or Right.
The facts are clear. The Fed was created by the government. It was not a viable institution in a free market capitalist system.
Stop trying to divert attention from the points being discussed and start using facts and logic to defend your indefensible positions.
Only the government can force anything on the people. Note that even your reference blames the central banks and IMF for much of the damage. Also note that you supported the bailing out of the big banks that you now say are the villains.
BUT, those banks want exactly what you want! Full access and control with no consequences.
ROTFLMAO!!! What are you talking about, Mr. Diverter. YOUR diversion, perversion is why we are here! AND you lying sack, is why we are still here!
If you got your free markets, they would be free for about 90 seconds. In fact, that is why we have the situation we have today. Your anarcho-idiocy system is unworkable. Or to be kinder, the robber-baron, bully system. It cannot work. As soon as you are turned loose, any pretenses of fair play would go down the drain. Only an abusive idiot would come up with such nonsense.
Facts and logic are to your head, as small bits of paper are to a wind tunnel.
Your last sentence has been called out and confirmed to be a lie every time you have stated it. My views are plain in the posting record. Of course, dishonesty, i.e. spiritual, intellectual, and personal dishonesty are hallmark traits of the eVangeliser.
So, you admit that you lies earlier right in this very blog. AND, what does smoking have to do with the price of bread, etc. Are you really the simple minded idiot I suspected you were?
Vangel said with indignation, "Who said that she is my hero?" Now he says, " . . . I would rather pay attention to Rand than any of the modern political voices . . . " Pure dishonesty. We both know that a free market would not stand a snowball's chance around you. That is just silly propaganda. By the way, what is all this whoopla getting you? It will never change. You are now my institutional occupation.
Capitalism is all about monopolies. It is pure Social Darwinism. Left to your plan, it would devour us all, and then even itself.
You won't answer statements that show the mental and moral bankruptcy that comprises the eVangeliser. You avoid it every time.
So, when you were left in complete peace for days, weeks, or even months, you re-start old worn-out discussions that you know won't go anywhere. This has happened at least half a dozen times with just me. The one difference is, when a topic is re-started, I have a zero tolerance policy with liars. Nothing you say is any different. Often, you
obviously have never read the article or your opponents views. You seem to need someone to attack and disagree with. Yet, as I have said, I have a zero tolerance policy. So, I am not a good candidate for your
Mr. Troll, if I show you my profile, will you be surprised that you are the only one in it?
You have no clue what I want. For the record, I would have let the banks go under and would have repealed the legal tender laws and ended the Federal Reserve System.
I know exactly what you want. You want no laws and to be able to redistribute the wealth of the producers into your own non-working pocket. You HAVE SAID THIS many times.
Yes, when the banks went under 40 million mortgages would have been called in in the U.S. alone. Without legal tender laws we would have had no currency to purchase anything, and we would not have had to worry one way or another about the Federal Reserve System.
By the way, currency is how our societies have gained the advantages and wealth that they have. Without them, we would return to frontier days. Of course, all you want is a lawless society where you can pick the rubes clean. Yet, I assure you, when those rubes figure out what you are doing, and there is no one to restrain them, you might just rue the day.
The situation that we have today has nothing to do with free markets. And it did not begin with free markets. From the beginning we have had those in power use that power to protect big business and other special interests from competition.
And I hate to remind you of this again but the system that we have is not workable. A fiat based fractional reserve system is not stable and can never be stable because of the asset/liability mismatch. The global banking system is in big trouble and when the bond bubble finally pops we could be looking at a major disaster that makes the last crisis look like a minor event.
Redundant and repetitive. Nothing new and certainly nothing true. We have never had free markets with capitalism, and with capitalists in sole charge, which they very nearly are completely in charge of our Democracies, we never will have free markets. Capitalists want exclusiveness unto themselves. They will not tolerate competition unless forced to do so. Nor do they tolerate the rights of the people.
Isn't it just a shame that you claim to be for freedom, but your politics and economic views are strictly right-wing elitist? You want freedom, yes, but only for yourself. Survival of the fittest bully. That is what you want. You are just a Social Darwinist of the lowest possible kind. BUT, like I have been saying, if you get what you want, do you think you will survive when placed at the mercy of bigger wolves?
I commented here first and as usual, your trollness showed up to comment on my comment. And when you could not deal with the facts you started to divert attention away from the debate to something else.
So, you commented HERE first. You were actively harassing me with your usual arsenal of lies. It is not that I mind that much, as you are an inanely silly liar. (Kind of repetitive I know, but you deserve the emphasis.) You keep telling lies that I constantly expose as lies. You do so over and over and over again. You refuse to answer questions. Then you run away in disgrace and defeat, only to return days or weeks later. You have done this dozens of times, but at least six times months later. Then you blame me for employing your very own tactics. Of course, as I have provenly demonstrated, you feel you are the only person in the world with rights. You feel entitled. Like a lazy sociopathic mental midget like you is entitled to anything.
What is funnier, I warned you in the strongest terms over a dozen times what would happen, and you continue with your same nonsensical behavior. BUT like I warned you that last time, and warned you strongly, I will no longer have any sympathy for a vicious nut-job criminal liar like you. So, go ahead and whine. We will proceed with your permanent and unending lesson in reasoning, ethics, and manners. If you are so irritated, you can just cancel your account. It is not like I ever expected you to do that before, but anyone respecting your rights will get an eyeful. So, there is no reason to respect you at all.
By the way, how many places have you been banned out of so far? ROTFLMAO!
Are you convincing me? Are you gaining ground? Do you think the same tired old lies are more convincing if they are told hundreds of times? Are you being "fulfilled"? I am by the way. I think you are hilarious, though I admit a little shame in laughing so much at the spectacle that is the eVangeliser.
I know exactly what you want. You want no laws and to be able to redistribute the wealth of the producers into your own non-working pocket. You HAVE SAID THIS many times.
No. I want all forced redistribution to end because it is theft. Please cite where I, who you admit is an anarchocapitalist, have ever SAID THIS many times. And please stick to facts, not your interpretation of what I have written by changing the meaning of words.
Yes, when the banks went under 40 million mortgages would have been called in in the U.S. alone.
You don't know how contracts work. Once you get a mortgage you have to comply with the terms and will pay what you owe until the term ends. And given the fact that you are looking at only around 60 million owner occupied housing units it is hard to see how you can come up with the 40 million figure.
By the way, currency is how our societies have gained the advantages and wealth that they have.
All fiat currencies become worthless over time because the counterfeiters use the press to transfer wealth from workers and savers to the financial system and government.
"No. I want all forced redistribution . . . " So, you want a complete end to capitalism and its inherent redistribution of wealth it did not earn. That is a good start.
"You don't know how contracts work. Once you get a mortgage you have to comply with the terms . . . " Sorry, but you are showing your ignorance here. Why don't YOU actually read those contracts. I know exactly how they work. Your problem is, like to many in your "profession," you think you know a lot of things you don't just because you are ignorant and arrogant. While, I have actually been involved in just about every topic that we have discussed. Well, I have discussed, while you just lie. And, I probably have a 50 point IQ advantage and about ten more years of education. And, I still do research and I still do study. Unlike your self-entitled opinions based on what your utter self-serving greed demands to be true.
"All fiat currencies become worthless over time because the counterfeiters use the press to transfer wealth from workers and savers . . . " So, you admit that you are just a garden variety thief? Fair enough.
Along the "idiot fringe" your words may make a convincing argument, but if what you say is even remotely true, then what you propose to replace "fiat currencies" with becomes meaningless and void. Gold is how much an ounce now? It was $35 an ounce when I was a kid and stayed stable for years. The simple lesson here, that I should not have to explain to you, is nothing is going to hold value if YOUR system is in place. We could carry on trade in jelly beans. (Reagan would be pleased.) It is all about perception and confidence. Without those, nothing would hold value.
Of course, as all mentally deficient bullies do, you just have to have an excuse to tell more abusive lies. I concluded long ago that you have no point and you are not even trying to make one. At least, not a coherent one.
Central banks are created by government under pressure from capitalists. Anyone with minimal good sense and information would contest that. Without capitalists, there is not one reason to have a central bank.
So, the only collectivist here is you, my rather ignorant, hateful, greedy, condescending friend. Like all your kind, you want other people to work and create, while you get to collect.
I have to continue to point out, that there were a number of groups that I posted first in. You came running as fast as you could to troll those groups and contest every point with the posters in those blogs. You persisted in a constant bombardment of repetitive lies until you broke up all conversation. Exactly like any garden variety troll would do. Your problem with me is, I am resistant to trolls. You whine again, as you have always done, but you continue the behaviour that causes your own discomfiture. I warned you dozens of times what would happen. In fact, I promised you exactly six times that this was the inevitable outcome. What did you do? Lay the lies on thicker. You are exactly the scum I described you to be. You would fleece the public for your own gain until they faced starvation. Any mercy . . . you see as weakness to be exploited. A truly evil sociopath you are. I would suggest a mental health consultation, but that defect is incurable and untreatable.
Yep. Agree.
Doesn't have to be those extremes to see that this could easily devalue the "tribute / commemoration" if all they do is look to politically correct characteristics over relatively stronger "contributions", to the formation of this country, made by others.
Otherwise, might as well let Kim Kardashian, Caitlyn Jenner, and Homer Simpson each have a turn on the currency.
So, you admit that you are just a garden variety thief? Fair enough.
No. I am pointing out that money printing is theft. And that the big banks that you wanted bailed out rob savers through the Cantillon Effect, which is only possible because of the current system of fiat paper and legal tender laws.
Along the "idiot fringe" your words may make a convincing argument, but if what you say is even remotely true, then what you propose to replace "fiat currencies" with becomes meaningless and void.
I do not propose to replace fiat money with anything in particular. I would simply get rid of the legal tender laws and let the market decide which of the many possibilities is the best one. Below are examples of redeemable money where a note is payable on demand in specie.

Gold is how much an ounce now? It was $35 an ounce when I was a kid and stayed stable for years. The simple lesson here, that I should not have to explain to you, is nothing is going to hold value if YOUR system is in place.
As usual, you are confused about this topic. When a currency is defined as a weight of gold, copper, iron, or silver the price does not change. If more currency is to make it into circulation people have to go out and get more gold, copper, iron, or silver to back the notes. You don't even have to worry too much about minting many coins because paper notes that are backed by gold reserves are suitable and are acceptable to most users.
The monetary unit is just the weight of the monetary commodity and the value of everything can change against everything else. Under such a system talking about the 'price' of the monetary commodity makes no sense. Since you have no clue about the topic you may wish some illumination. These are simple overviews of how monetary systems work.
If you want something a bit more substantial I suggest the following.
Of course, you have no interest in economics because yours is a faith-based political position. You like central planning and big banks because you think that people are too dim to look after their own interests.
"No. I am pointing out that money printing is theft." No it is not. You need a very simple course in Econ.
"I do not propose to replace fiat money with anything in particular." So, you just want to gripe, AND make lots of money for yourself. Don't you get that all that money you make from investments is entirely fake? It is worth less, a lot less than that "fiat money" you talk about. It only exists because everyone has confidence that it does.
You then denigrate my very valid point about gold, and then forward what is exactly what I am talking about. GOLD CERTIFICATES? You have to be kidding? That $100 dollar cert would get you just about enough gold dust to fit on the head of a pin. Don't you have any sense at all? Nothing guarantees that value either. Tomorrow gold could be $1 ounce, then Friday it could be $10k. NO, I don't think that will happen, but severe changes have occurred and will do so again. So, you do keep your record perfect for lies and extortions.
Of course, you have no interest in economics because yours is a faith-based AND greed based political position . You like lawless idiocy and pure greed because you think that people are too dim to look after their own
Capitalism has everything to do with central banks. They are the ones that want them. Without capitalists, we would not have the speculation that drives that inflation.
So, you want a complete end to capitalism and its inherent redistribution of wealth it did not earn. That is a good start.
Buy a dictionary. When you have a voluntary exchange there is a commercial transaction, not 'redistribution' as you do when you use taxes extracted from some people to pay to support others. The fact that you can't tell the difference shows that your claim about your IQ is in doubt.
Why don't YOU actually read those contracts. I know exactly how they work. Your problem is, like too many in your "profession," you think you know a lot of things you don't just because you are ignorant and arrogant.
A thirty year mortgage can't be recalled by a bank. As long as payments are made the contract is in place. As I pointed out, there were around 60 million housing units, of which around 30% are either fully paid up or have mortgages that are less then 10%. That would mean that for you to be right almost all of the rest of the homes would have to have variable rate mortgages and that the banks would be stupid enough to add so much supply to the market that they would ensure a full rout in the housing market.
It is not dishonesty. I do not have to like any person to agree with some of the ideas from that person. Rand was great on some ideas, particularly those that she learned from Isabel Paterson. But she and her followers had many problems and many terrible ideas, which is why I provided the reference that you never bothered to look at.
Are you trying to suggest that there is anyone who you always agree with? How can that be?
Please cite what it is that you are talking about. You seem to have a reading comprehension problem and don't know it.
Bearer on demand? What another bank note. Seriously, the reasons that nations went away from the metal standards are unassailable and profound. I might add, very well documented as well. Those reasons do not need to be rehashed again to satisfy a pea brained nihilist.
Are you trying to be too ignorant and insignificant to bother with. Well, I have the time! I rather think I forgot more vocabulary since breakfast, than you have ever accumulated. We already went over that at great length months ago. As far as IQ, I rather think you are working to prove me right.
As far as that mortgage, may I suggest you actually read one. I do almost everyday. No, I do not work in any lending capacity, but my duties bring me in contact with many such documents each day.
Like everything from you. You do, then you don't, you never, then you just did, but one thing is for sure, your entire life is wrapped up in dishonesty and pure faith in pure greed.
I don't have to always agree with anyone. If they have common decency, I don't have to disagree with them at all. Unfortunately, almost everyone I disagree with has some sort of angst about treating others fairly and decently.
Of course, you rarely find anyone that you agree with at all. The only people you agree with, are the ones that allow you to dictate what they must believe. You even disagree with your right-wackjob comrades. Even when you just expounded the exact same things they just said moments before. It seems you have a requirement to disagree, or you are unfulfilled.
Yes, but I do see your reading comprehension problem clearly. Sorry if being caught offends so much.
Only a government can stop competition by granting a monopoly. That is why legislatures are bought off by the rich people that you want to be bailed out whenever they get in trouble and face bankruptcy.
May I suggest you do your own work? I know, you aren't in to that. So much better to let a prole clean-up after you. If you need a hint, read your own responses. You highly proclaim Rand, but then you indignantly snipe at me about my observation of your fondness for her. This is not unusual. This is symptomatic of all your posting. Climate changes, then it does not, then it did then, but not now, then not then, lather, rinse, repeat. When pressed to hard, you run to a different thread. When that gives way, you run to a different blog and start anew. Then you return.
Face it, I learned everyone of my bad habits from you, and trolls like you.
No government has granted a monopoly in most of the situations you whine about. The facts are, only in the case of one of you greedy scumbags lobbying the government and buying officials does it happen at all. Like I said, give a capitalist free rein, and you will soon see no freedom at all. Your mob worships your own greed and will work tirelessly to become exclusive if you are allowed to. In fact, that is just about the only work you bums will do.
You are not only lacking in reading comprehension, but you are disgustinly dishonest as well. Of course, those are prime traits of the sociopathic capitalist. It is all about getting rich by giving the shaft to honest people. Embarrassingly, I must quote myself again:
Vangel said with indignation, "Who said that she is my hero?" Now he
says, " . . . I would rather pay attention to Rand than any of the
modern political voices . . . " Pure dishonesty. We both know that a
free market would not stand a snowball's chance around you. That is
just silly propaganda. By the way, what is all this whoopla getting
you? It will never change. You are now my institutional occupation.
THOSE people are yours by definition and direct observation. They want exactly what you want, and behave exactly as you do, and would. Which is exactly what I have been saying. Those traits are why we need, and must have even more severe regulation. Just not regulation written by you or yours!
You HAVE an integrity problem that you think is entirely normal. It's not.
I know exactly what you want. You want no laws and to be able to redistribute the wealth of the producers into your own non-working pocket. You HAVE SAID THIS many times.
I have never said what you think that I said.
Isn't it just a shame that you claim to be for freedom, but your politics and economic views are strictly right-wing elitist?
The right and left wings belong to the same bird of prey that feasts on taxpayers. Anyone who advocates for liberty opposes both wings.
No thinking was required. You were quite explicit. Like I said, you are one stoopid troll.
Anyone that argues for liberty does not speak as you do. You argue for the complete freedom of the 0.3%. If you actually get what you want, then the 85-99.7% will rise up and destroy you.
Isn't it just a shame that you claim to be for freedom, but your politics and economic views are strictly right-wing elitist?
Like I said, you are one stooopid troll.
I checked, and you blocked your profile. ROTFLMAO! What good does that do when I only respond to your trolling? You are too stoopid to stop, and I have explained the process of finding you dozens of times. You can't quit trolling. So, what good does it do to block your profile.
The fun part is, you keep whining and abusing me because you elected for your profile to be public. Like I said, that is your problem. But if you can never remain silent, then I will always know where you are!
So, you are not only a lying hypocrite, but a stoopid one at that. But, I am proud to see that you did that. Now, that is one less set of lies you can tell.
So, you commented HERE first.
Yes I did. And as the troll that you are, you followed. Just as you followed on the thread on Modern Farmer on which I was the only commentator.
You were actively harassing me with your usual arsenal of lies.
If you are not on a thread nobody is harassing you.