"Man-Made" Climate Change
Man has almost certainly warmed the world by some tenths of a degree C with his CO2, though much of this warming has hit night-time lows rather than daily highs. Anyway, while future temperature rise forecasts are often grossly exaggerated by absurdly high assumptions of positive feedback, there is at least a kernel of fact in there that CO2 is likely warming the world somewhat.
However, the popular "science" on climate change is often awful, positing, for example, that hurricanes are being increased by man right in the midst of the longest hurricane drought we have seen in the US for a hundred years.
Inevitably, the recent severe California droughts have been blamed on manmade CO2. As a hopefully useful adjunct to this debate, I have annotated a recent chart from the San Jose Mercury News on the history of California droughts to reflect the popular global warming / climate change narrative. You be the judge of the reasonableness:
Neil deGrasse Tyson is right there with him.
Could wading through icy mountain stream water possibly have triggered a heart attack? While being chased by a saber-toothed tiger?
Some rich men came and raped the land/ Nobody caught 'em/ Put up a bunch of ugly boxes/ and, Jesus, people bought 'em.
:-) That too.
One more time . . . How did the ice sheets melt without the help of the internal combustion engine and coal fired power plants? Science cannot even begin to answer the myriad of questions that accompany the Pleistocene extinction.
This is all about power and control.
Bill Nye? deGrasse Tyson? OMG whiskey tango foxtrot.
Which makes it all the more absurd when these zealots use the excuse that there's increased water vapor in the air causing the record snowfalls.
Nam-myoho-renge-CO2 is the sutra of the Environgelical movement.
The point is that we are conducted the most massive geoengineering experiment in history and we *don't know* what the results will be. They could be relatively benign. They could also be very bad. I would rather not find out by irreversible experiment.
Changes in the Earth's orbit. Changes that are not happening with the present warming.
It's interesting that you think the choices would be between "relatively" benign and "very" bad.
I'll give you some credit. Most warmistas don't consider a benign or beneficial outcome.
I think our puny effect on climate will, in fact, be very good.
See, I don't deny we do have an effect.
To address your "point" would require massive elimination of human life.
Attrition would not be fast enough to assuage your fears. It would require elimination.
I wonder who will be chosen to survive this purge.
It will all come down to power. Brute force.
Do you have it? Or are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the planet?
You cannot say that with any certainty whatsoever.
Uh, yeah. We measure Earth's orbit pretty routinely and precisely.
"To address your "point" would require massive elimination of human life."
What? Since when? You find a non-fossil fuel source of energy that can be used on a wide scale and most of the problem is solved.
Since we have already passed the "tipping point" (according to some warmistas), none of your miracle fuel sources are on the horizon and what we can do to effect negligible results with much suffering, sure, you go with that.
Yeah... it's a lot better to go back to an 1850's style of living with short life spans and no fossil fuels. For the children.
These long, healthy, productive lives have been nothing but trouble!
And, really, what good are whales anyway (their oil is sustainable, right?) ;-)
Or so 'tis blamed. Funny how those doing it never seem to have any alternatives but windmills and solar, and insist everyone cut back instead of pursuing anything that might provide plentiful CO2-free power 24/7/365.
It's almost as if the CO2 doesn't really matter except as an excuse.
Hydro and nuclear being off the table, of course.
Yep. In fact, the environmentalists are doing their best to destroy dams in the West. Yeah, that'll help the drought situation too...
The present warming is well below the warmth that brought us into this interglacial. Sea Levels were considerably higher then currently. In the last ten thousand years each warm period has been cooler then the preceding.
With the recent NH ice retreat (now likely reversing) ancient forests have been uncovered.
The benefits of CO2 are known, and proved in hundreds of peer reviewed studies in thousands of experiments. Currently nearly one billion people are being fed simply due to the increase in CO2.
The projected harms are all failing to materialize. Droughts actually tend to increase in cold times, and decrease with warmth and the acceleration of the hydrologic cycle. The cold condenses the moisture out.
Your valuable blog aware us from the side effect of global warming.
You really wrote an awaking blog that will aware to the world from the dangers of Global warming.
Climate Change News