The Cost of Closing Parks that Don't Have to be Closed

I got this email a few minutes ago.

Mr. Meyer:
I just wanted to thank you for the letter you wrote to our senators and congressmen.

My fiance and I are scheduled to be married this Saturday at Red Rock Crossing. On Tuesday, I called and was told that the park would be open and unaffected by shutdown.

As you can imagine, the news today has me very worried. We have spent literally thousands of dollars to have a special couple of hours in the park with our families who are flying in from all over the United States and the thought of not being able to have our wedding in our dream location is upsetting to say the least.

I hope and pray that your parks and campgrounds continue to stay open.

Red Rock Crossing is a privately-operated campground that the USFS has slated for closure Friday not because it uses too much Federal money (it in fact uses none and pays rent to the Treasury) but because the White House apparently wants to artificially increase the cost of the shutdown.  Well, you got your wish Mr. President.

PS- for those who are concerned, we are going to find a way to help this guy get married, even if I have to sneak them into the facility myself.

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Good for you!

Get a bunch of WWII vets to help you out.


Public interest sob story - get this over to 3TV or Fox 10, pronto!

"These parks don't have to close...."

Bolt cutters would be a great wedding gift.

You can bet there are a few brides who will not be wed in the Ahwanee (sp?) Lodge in Yosemite.

These situations argue for running government parks by people like Coyote, for, dare I say it, profit. We would have to do security checks, of course, and a full rectal exam of all officers and board members, plus exams in axe technique, toilet cleaning, and knot tying.

Endangered coyotes, if that is not an oxymoron, would be protected from harm.

Take a cue from vetrans groups that have ignored the closing of memorials. Stay open, invite the press, lets see if they have the guts to send men with guns to shut you down in front of cameras.

Murray Rothbard, privatization of all state lands, anyone?

Oh, and if they try to block your entrances with forest service vehicles, I am sure in the business you are in that you have a front end loader or a backhoe sitting around somewhere.

Do it - get him married in the park. For insurance, make sure to have the press there. If you can't get official press there, then hire someone to be present with a visible video camera and nice looking badge. With the press present, the feds are unlikely to make an unpleasant scene, and the guy gets free wedding videos.

And if the feds do make a scene, you will have some absolutely invaluable video evidence.

I'm wondering what the (re)action will be when the tax-the-tourist revenues show the hit.

Thank you!

Yosemite is largely run by Delware North Parks and Resorts already. I was just there recently and with the sheer volume of tour busses coming through from vegas, I guess you'd have to be the government to not manage to make a profit.

I don't support the privatization of state lands, at least not all state lands. But, it is clear that if we want the same level of public "services" we are going to have to privatize these operations.
Make such activities as renewing a drivers license be done by private firms. Instead of $25, waiting in line for hours, and then waiting for weeks to get your license, go to Wal-Mart, pay $4 (they probably would price it at a loss to get you in the store), and with modern technology walk out with your new issue.

Lo and behold, Fox 10 did a story on the 9 news last night about a NJ couple who originally booked their wedding at the Grand Canyon.

Luckily, they had plan B: Merry-Go-Round Rock in Sedona (excellent hike/mild off-road drive, awesome view)

Obama is trying to figure out how to shut that down, too.

Really, Paul? By asking that, I do not mean to question your observation.

Two years ago my brother-in-law took my wife and me on a great tour of Yosemite, including Glacier Point, and dinner at the Ahwanee, and since at the time he ran the roads outside the park, I just assumed this was an example of the forest service doing a job well.

Yosemite is Muir's home, and we are all reverent about preserving pristine surroundings. A friend has backpacked to places there that I am sure are as good for the soul as anywhere. Yet we allow the unwashed masses to go to the Ahwanee, to have dinner listening to the guy play music on the big grand piano . Whoever engineered this, good work.

Speaking of camping, some time ago I backpacked for five days in the Tetons with the guy who today runs the Sierra Club, the brother of one of my and my brother's best friends. He wants to end coal now, and promotes the idea that carbon dioxide is toxic for the environment, two notions I know he would never believe if I and others were around to disagree and hammer him with sense. Maybe next time I am in Washington, we can meet and I can do better. Don't make any side bets on the outcome.

At the very least, many of the Federal lands should be given to the states for stewardship

It is interesting that the DMV's tend to be more efficient in certain areas - though I think your privatization plan isn't bad.
In Iowa, I went in with only my birth certificate and an ID badge from my work (lost my out of state license - otherwise it would have been a simple exchange and 5 minutes) with no appointment, I took the written test, drivers test and was handed a new driver's licence, in 1.5 hours.
In California, it takes about 1.5 hours just to take the test with an appointment.
Note that in Iowa - when I was there, they elected a Dem gov for the first time in awhile, and he got rid of the in DMV license makers. (Note in Iowa DMV is called DOT)

But how would leftists make plans to keep us out of the parks if they were privately owned.
Yosemite is being decimated by eco freeks. A few years back they had a plan to close all local traffic, that failed, but they did get this passed. 2 of the 3 swimming pools are to be closed down, no more bike rentals, and many of the campgrounds will be removed, to keep the Merced River pristine - not cleaner, or less polluted - pristine.

If that is the case they are not doing a good job of protecting their interests - with the forest service demanding pool closures, and an end to bike rentals, and reduction of campgrounds.