Government Closing Parks It Does Not Fund or Operate
I mentioned in an earlier article that the Administration is threatening to close US Forest Service parks it does not even fund or run, privately operated parks that happen to have the Federal government as a landlord. In fact, in our case, we pay the US Forest Service between 8 and 22 percent of revenues as a concession fee, so by threatening to close us it is costing them, not saving them extra money.
Apparently, the NPS is already doing this:
National Park Officials closed down the educational Claude Moore Colonial Farm near the CIA in McLean, Va., even though the federal government doesn't fund or staff the park popular with children and schools. Just because the privately-operated park is on Park Service land, making the federal government simply its landlord, the agency decided to close it.
A Claude Moore Colonial Farm official said that the privately-funded staff is on the job Wednesday, but barred from letting anybody visit the historically accurate buildings or animals. Anna Eberly, the managing director, sent out an email decrying the decision and rude National Park Service staff handling the closure.
Pointing to Park Service claims that parks have to be closed because the agency can’t afford staff during the government closure, Eberly wrote: “What utter crap. We have operated the Farm successfully for 32 years after the NPS cut the Farm from its budget in 1980 and are fully staffed and prepared to open today. But there are barricades at the Pavilions and entrance to the Farm. And if you were to park on the grass and visit on your own, you run the risk of being arrested. Of course, that will cost the NPS staff salaries to police the Farm against intruders while leaving it open will cost them nothing.”
She added: “In all the years I have worked with the National Park Service, first as a volunteer for six years in Richmond where I grew up, then as an NPS employee at the for eight very long years and now enjoyably as managing director for the last 32 years — I have never worked with a more arrogant, arbitrary and vindictive group representing the NPS. I deeply apologize that we have to disappoint you today by being closed but know that we are working while the National Park Service is not — as usual.”
This is purely political -- it costs rather than saves the government money.
Simply another Obama administration ploy to incite and anger the ignorant electorate, I’m surprised the media didn’t claim that the animals would not be fed.
Watch for the decision on Thursday regarding the Air Force/Navy/Army games, either they’ll be cancelled or Obama himself will “save” them for the unwashed masses.
Lynx Lake in Prescott closed down their camp site also. I thought the one we were going to was a private one, I guess I was wrong. We were going with a home schooling group. Not any more apparently. If the government were trying to make friends they sure have a funny way of doing it!
Down with the government! Screw it. It's all just a lie anyways (the myth of a need for government).
Stuff always flows downhill and the guy at the top has no common sense at all.
Any idea what they are doing at the Great Smokey Mountain National Park that has a main road running right through it. What about Gettysburg which also has public roads within it?
Corrupt modern day Bolsheviks. Perhaps Brownshirts would be a better term. Kristallnacht is right around the corner.