Don't Fire Sebelius

I am not sure why everyone thinks it would be a punishment to fire Sebelius at this point.  Three days after she is fired, she will have a handful of million dollar a year job offers from health care companies and lobbyists who want to tap her influence into this administration.  The Administration and Congress is actively picking winners and losers in 1/7 of the economy, so there are billions at stake.  Sebelius can name her price.

Instead I would love to see her stay in office three long years and answer every press question and Congressional inquiry about Obamacare, over and over and over.

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I say demote her to press secretary of HHS and let her deal with the press each and every day as Obamacare unravels.

Firing would be a punishment if it were out of a cannon.

She should be dragged into the street and beaten.

I'd prefer her transferred to heading up the NSA, myself.