Site Fixed -- Come Back and Visit

For a second time in a month the MySql database became corrupted.  I am not sure why, but it now looks like it may be a systematic problem I have to tackle rather than a one-off.

Here is what you may have missed today

Three Cheers For Goldwater Institute Fighting Pension Spiking

Taking the Fifth, Because No One Can Pledge Confidentiality any More

Update on Climate Temperature Sensitivity (Good News, the Numbers are Falling)


  1. herdgadfly:

    The world is running away from SQL. The IE browser is the only internet browser that uses the code. As for MYSQL, Facebook is looking at a whole new code to get away from frequent problems.

    "The widely accepted problem with MySQL is that it wasn’t built for webscale applications or those that must handle excessive transaction volumes."

  2. GeneralKnowledge:

    Oh my, where should I start?

    (1) The world is not running away from SQL - far from it. I am sitting in my cubicle right now working with several Terabyte-scale databases. Try doing that with any NoSQL solution and achieve the same kind of speed, reliability, and consistency. Of course, there are workloads where NoSQL solutions really shine. But there are those where NoSQL sucks and RDBMSs still rule.

    (2) The IE browser is the only one that uses the code? Which code? MySQL code? I really doubt that! Why would *any* browser use RDBMS code *directly'? What has SQL to do with a browser? (Yeah, some browsers use SQLite to manage bookmarks and so on - but very surely no browser uses a full-blown RDBMS to do that. This is really something where NoSQL is a good fit for the problem; not that SQLite is NoSQL, though.)

    (3) You really want to compare running a comparatively small site (sorry, Warren!) to running an Internet-scale service like Facebook? Really? Man, you have absolutely on idea what you are talking about!

    (4) The quote about MySQL not being designed to cope with webscale/Internet-scale workloads - sure, true. But neither are any other RDBMS (since the Web wasn't around when most of them started development), nor are NoSQL solutions. Good luck trying to run something like Facebook off of CouchDB or similar.

    In conclusion: Yeah, I know, don't feed the trolls.

  3. GeneralKnowledge:

    Warren - without knowing your system, I can hardly give any advice, but it could be a Good Idea(tm) to convert all tables to use the InnoDB storage engine that comes with MySQL. The only tables that should be using MyISAM storage engines are the ones you want to support full text search on - like the posts table. But then, it might be better to outsource site search to Google, turn off the blog engine search and convert the posts table to InnoDB as well.