Best Buy: We Focus on Items People Don't Buy from Walmart or Amazon

Well, that is not exactly what they said, but this confirms some earlier casual observations of their stores I have written lately:

Shoppers typically associate Best Buy with TVs and computers, but the retailer plans to dedicate more floor space to appliances in the coming months as the housing market continues to improve.

Here is my translation:  Half of our floor space has gone digital (DVD, CD, games) and the other half has items where Amazon and Walmart are killing us.  But we are locked into long-term leases we can't break for a bunch of freaking large stores so we need to put something out there.  So we will try appliances.  Next up, mattresses?


  1. Isaac Crawford:

    You laugh but HH Greg does sell mattresses along with TVs and appliances.

  2. ErikTheRed:

    Best Buy is the new CompUSA of customer service...

  3. obloodyhell:

    The local one has had appliances for more than a decade at least. It's just not their focus so far.

  4. sch:

    Ditto, our local has had about 5% of store devoted to white goods for at least 5 yrs, but shunted way to left so you don't see it unless you circulate. Computers have been shrinking fast, except for Apple and a few laptops. More space attached to accessories, where profit margins are higher. Software limited to a small area packed like books on a shelf, so titles are
    not easy to see. Still a lot of software there.