State Stereotypes

This is pretty awesome.  Using Google's auto-suggest which is based on their most frequent searches, Renee DiResta created a rollover map of state stereotypes.  Here is Arizona's, the rest are here.  Via Flowing Data


  1. mahtso:

    Who are the "their" that are doing "their most frequent searches"?

  2. caseyboy:

    Mahtso, its people who go there from California.

  3. Sam L.:

    California: so liberal; so broke; so anti-gun; so expensive.

    1,2, & 4 all go together.

  4. John Moore:

    The Arizona "so racist" is almost certainly a result of the relentless media campaign portraying our attempts to avoid being over-run by illegal immigrants as a racially based effort, which is most certainly is not.