Cute Animal Pictures

I am just about to enter my ninth year on this blog and I realize that I have not participated much in the primary purpose of the Internet -- posting cute animal pictures.  So here is some catch-up, via a recent trip to the San Diego zoo.



  1. Sam L.:

    What is that in the 4th pic?

  2. Roy:

    An absolutely amazing zoo. Almost by itself worth half continent trip to San Diego. Hope you were able to get in some beach time, too.

  3. Smock Puppet, 10th Dan Snark Master:

    >>>>> in the primary purpose of the Internet — posting cute animal pictures.

    While I will grant you that this is a very common purpose of the Internet, it's rather obviously NOT the primary purpose of the Internet.

    I mean, *everyone* knows the primary purpose of the internet

  4. Hal:

    The fourth picture is of thr "other" panda from China, one of my favorite animals. It's about the size of a racoon.

  5. Robinsh:

    I never understood why it happens that we love to see them in pictures and gets fear when they comes in reality infront of our eyes.

  6. Hunt Johnsen:

    The San Diego Zoo is pretty spiffy, we always have annual passes that let us ride the tramway free and let us visit the Wild Animal Park as well. The rest of Balboa Park has some wonderful stuff too. The Model Railroad museum and the Air &Space museum are both worth the price of admission.
    The Phoenix Zoo is neat, but not quite as spectacular as SD Zoo, however Phoenix has CABELAS!

  7. IGotBupkis, Legally Defined Cyberbully in All 57 States:

    >>>> I never understood why it happens that we love to see them in pictures and gets fear when they comes in reality infront of our eyes.

    Ahhh, 'cause most of them will happily eat off your face?

    That's my take, anyway.

    Sings to Grizzlies

  8. Gil:

    How much can a koala bear?

  9. Mark2:

    I see it has been mentioned, but I prefer the San Diego Wild Animal park over the zoo. The zoo is geared more toward buss tours. Wild animal park is more like a park where you stroll through, without having to worry about being killed by the tour buses. Much more of a natural feel.