Mad Cow Madness

Apparently, it is becoming increasingly impossible to produce traditional gut strings for musical instruments, due to EU regulations designed to prevent mad cow disease in humans.  Apparently, if one were to eat a few yards of a few meters of violin strings that were made from an animal with BSE (which are routinely destroyed when found rather than used for any products), he or she might get sick.


  1. Sebastian:

    Really interesting discussion about the global economy with Chris Martenson and GoldMoney's James Turk:

  2. joshv:

    I sincerely doubt that prions even exists, much less that they are the cause of some sort of transmissible disease.

  3. Matt:

    The so called "precautionary principle" which is practically enshrined in EU law strikes again.

    The precautionary principle is in truth anything but precautionary because it refuses to acknowledge two things.

    1 - That whatever it is being applied to might under some circumstances have enough benefits to justify any associated risks.

    2 - That forgoing the benefits in 1 can itself be considered a risk.

    Or put more simply, the precautionary principle refuses to acknowledge that for any x, not only might not x carry risk but the risks of not x might be greater than the risks of x.

  4. BlogDog:

    I don't have Creutzfeldt Jakob - I'm just strung out!