OK, So We Greens Are Communists After All

This is pretty hilarious. Environmentalist and global warming advocate Chris Mooney writes

My latest DeSmogBlog post is about how climate skeptics basically seem to believe that their opponents are driven by socialism and communism. We aren’t, of course–duh–but it is fascinating to listen to how they explain this, in their own words.

After some participation years ago in this kind of finger-pointing over motivations in the climate debate, I have of late found such activity to be worthless at best and have tried to stay away from it.

But this became funny when Mooney's readers started commenting on the post.  In effect, they wrote "we are anti-growth socialists."  Mooney was forced to write, in comment #32:

yes. i guess my side loses this round, thanks to this thread. depressing

Thanks to Climate Depot for the tip.


  1. a leap at the wheel:

    I laughed.

  2. caseyboy:

    It is ironically funny, but after a few chuckles I got down to reading some of the posts. Frightening. Very hateful people on that side of the debate.

  3. Jerry:

    I agree caseyboy, after reading the other posts, a mae culpa by Mooney was totally warranted. Some of the comments were extremely amusing.

  4. Gil:

    This makes me think of how our ancestors of a century or so ago wanted to finish the War against Nature - they wanted no wild plants and animals and there would only be cities, suburbs, farms and parks. Everyone could go wherever they like and wouldn't have to fear stumbling upon dangerous planet or animals or even having to apply insect-repellant.

  5. caseyboy:

    Gil, except for the no insect repellant, I'm not sure I would have liked that outcome either.

    Being a "Good Sheppard" of the Earth doesn't have to mean losing "Dominion" over it.

  6. ErisGuy:

    And Mooney won't learn a thing from it.

    "Everyone could go wherever they like and wouldn’t have to fear stumbling upon dangerous planet or animals or even having to apply insect-repellant"

    In other news, one of those wars on nature succeeded: Rinderpest has been eliminated.

  7. ErisGuy:

    "I have of late found such activity to be worthless at best"

    I, too, have found that in political debate, truth is worthless.

  8. Joseph Hertzlinger:

    A Conservative Party candidate for public office in NYC was accused of being a fascist by a demonstrator. He replied "You have no more right to say I'm a fascist than I have the right to say you're a Communist." The demonstrator then said "But I am a Communist!"

  9. MNHawk:

    Those folks behind DeSmog really do kind of fail, as the PR types they are.