Climate Interview

Last week I did a very enjoyable interview Stefan Molyneux of FreeDomain Radio. My presence was almost superfluous, as Stefan was incredibly well-informed as well as passionate on climate topics. Our discussion hits on many critical topics related to the science of the skeptics position, from positive feedbacks to urban heat biases to hockey sticks. The interview is embedded below, but I encourage you to check out his site, he seems to get a lot of interesting interviews of which I appear to be the most pedestrian.

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Thanks again for your time, it was a very enjoyable interview! :)

This was a truly fantastic video interview, thanks to both of you for taking the time to arrange this. You both came across as wonderfully engaging, passionate and curiously optimistic. One of the finest and most informative pieces on climate change / global warming scepticism I've seen to date. Highly enjoyable!

Excellent interview!
Both of you did an outstanding job.
I posted the video on our Liberty Boys website.

Dan Maloney
NY State Coordinator
Gathering of Eagles

A most excellent hour of television and real science by real scientists!


Small tip: Having to look at two middle aged men for over an hour is maybe not the best way top get your point across
