The Copenhagen Income Redistribution Conference

One of the great appeals of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory in certain sectors is the fact that what it takes to fight the imagined threat  (reduced trade, reduced economic growth, government controls on the economy, populist hammering of energy companies, micro-controls on individual decision-making) are exactly the things the socialists wanted to do before their schtick became tired.  Global warming has become the back-door to state control, combining some exaggerated science with a lot of folks' uninformed desire to "do the right thing", to create a new vector for old objectives.

Today, 56 newspapers  are all allowing some global warming activist to take over their newspapers to run the same panicky plea.   Bruce McQuain picks up the story:

In reality, I've come to understand this isn't about "climate change", this is about the politics of income redistribution. I've spoken of it in the past. This has been a goal of the third-world debating club, also known as the UN, since it has come into existence. The IPCC is just a convenient vehicle on which to base their claims and put them forward to the industrialized countries for fulfillment. The underlying "science", like a wet paper box, is coming apart at the seams. And not a single mention in the editorial. But it becomes clear, the further you get into it, that it is about what I contend it is about:

Social justice demands that the industrialised world digs deep into its pockets and pledges cash to help poorer countries adapt to climate change, and clean technologies to enable them to grow economically without growing their emissions. The architecture of a future treaty must also be pinned down "“ with rigorous multilateral monitoring, fair rewards for protecting forests, and the credible assessment of "exported emissions" so that the burden can eventually be more equitably shared between those who produce polluting products and those who consume them. And fairness requires that the burden placed on individual developed countries should take into account their ability to bear it; for instance newer EU members, often much poorer than "old Europe", must not suffer more than their richer partners.

If you were playing buzz word bingo with this paragraph you'd be at the prize table right now picking one out. It hits all of the favorite themes of income redistributionists. And its blatancy should scare you. This is about your wallet, your money and the rest of the world making a claim on it. This is the third world's dream come true.

I have to object somewhat to his last line.  This is the third world leader's dream come true, as I think most adults understand from past experience that aid like this gets siphoned off by the ruling regime.  What the Third World's people really need is what Southeast Asia and India and China have - real private investment making for real economic growth (to be fair, I think Bruce would accept this correction).

I thought this bit was hilarious:

It is in that spirit that 56 newspapers from around the world have united behind this editorial. If we, with such different national and political perspectives, can agree on what must be done then surely our leaders can too.

Apparently we are supposed to be dazzled that 56 institutions that all, in unison, blindly cling to the same 150-year-old failed business model, hoping that some other group can be prevailed upon to bail them out, would actually think alike about some issue.  Amazing!

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" that the [benefits] can eventually be more [coercively transfered from]those who produce [medicine, food, clothing, energy, etc. etc. ad infinitum, to] those who [do not produce]."

There, fixed it.

80 years ago, socialism was a moral imperative because it was the best way to create smoke-spewing factories and deliver consumer goods to the masses. 40 years ago, socialism was a moral imperative because it was the best way to prevent smoke-spewing factories while delivering consumer goods to the masses. Today, socialism is a moral imperative because it's the best way to prevent smoke-spewing factories and the delivery of consumer goods to the masses.

The punchline to this joke is, "It's not really about the factories and the goods, is it?"

Rewrite needed:

It is in that spirit that 56 newspaper EDITORS SHEEP-DIPPED IN THE SAME PHONY SOCIALIST GLOBALIST MINDSET from around the world have sung from the same soak-the-rich songbook.

The twist on it this time is this is an international redistribution scheme – we’ll shove money at 3d world dictators now, courtesy of a nonelected, nonscientific international political organization created to fix a problem they think may exist.

Absolutely frightening.

If the first world is so evil, why do they want our evil money?

Nothing new here, really. The art of politics is all about creating huge streams of money going from A to B for some really important purpose, and then skimming a small percentage off that stream. What will they think of next?

"The Copenhagen Income Redistribution Conference"

LOL. Nice.

It would be really tragic if a lost fleet of WWII bombers were to travel through time and carpet bomb Carbonhagen. Like, totally. I'd weep.

> Like, totally. I’d weep.

Yep. "Like, Boo-f***in' hoo, man!"