The Money Hole

Via John Stossel, this is hilarious form Onion TV.  I think this has been around for a while but it could have been written for the Stimulus.


  1. anonimnik:

    Since you follow both the Coyotes chapter 11 and the destruction of the rule of law here in the land of plenty, this is a good write-up:
    in part "All we know is, it's taken a judge well beyond the glamor of the East Coast to actually follow the bankruptcy law and be respectful of creditor rights, no matter how long it may prolong a sale."

  2. Stephanie:

    Love it !! going to link it to my blog ...... I keep forgetting about The Onion News. Oh and if find out where the next "hole" is ....

  3. Jon:

    Hilarious. I just discovered your blog(s) - Nice work!