A Well-Deserved Honor

Boston City Hall as the world's ugliest building.  I would add an honorable mention to Boston's Peabody Terrace, the ugliest building I have ever lived in.


  1. Fred from Canuckistan . . .:

    that city hall is very evocative of one of the WW2 FLAK towers the Germans built in their cities


  2. Chris Byrne:

    I used to work at government center, at a book shop in the little concrete trough at the southwest corner. I had to look at the hideous concrete wedding cake every day.

  3. The Dirty Mac:

    The Orange County Governnment Center in Goshen, NY is up there, built into what is essentially an early 19th century town


  4. Randy Franklin:

    I will see your Boston City Hall, and raise you the Evo DeConcini U.S. Courthouse, Tucson Arizona.


    This building is safe from terrorists as overwhelming nausea would prevent any untoward action on their part.