News You Can Use

I have noticed that my readership is skewing a little old, so to capture that critical males 18-24 demographic, I will, as a public service, provide this critical information that colleges seldom provide in trying to choose a major.  HT TJIC


  1. Ari:

    As a 17 year old high school senior about to go to college and who reads this blog regularly, I can tell you that this information makes this blog even more compelling than it already is.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Miklos Hollender:

    I generally like your blog but this I find somewhat indecent...

  3. CoderInCrisis:

    I generally like your blog, but this I find somewhat awesome!

  4. Kevin:

    Note that the report is the result of a survey of MIT and Wellesley students; I'd be hesitant to extrapolate the results to other schools.