My Global Warming Skeptic Paper Now Available in Print

For those interested in my A Skeptical Layman's Guide to Anthropogenic Global Warming, I greatly encourage you to download it for free.  However, I do know that some folks have written about a print version.  I have a print version of my global warming book available now at  It is $16.98 -- that is my cost -- and I warn you that LuLu's shipping options are not very cheap.  I will try to find a less expensive print option, but no one beats LuLu for getting a book set up quickly and easily for print-to-order.


By the way, for those who have sent me emails with comments or errata, thanks for the help! In particular, my BBC/Channel 4 mixup is fixed.

Update:  The HTML version of this global warming paper is here


  1. Cam:

    So I got a chance to take a more thorough look and you succeed in posing many interesting questions. It's nice to see what access to information and some rational thinking can achieve.

    I plan to feature several of your points in a series on my blog over the next few days.

  2. Cam:

    So I got a chance to take a more thorough look and you succeed in posing many interesting questions. It's nice to see what access to information and some rational thinking can achieve.

    I plan to feature several of your points in a series on my blog over the next few days.

  3. Mesa EconoGuy:


    You should have titled it “A Skeptical Layman’s Guide to Anthropomorphic Global Warming” just to piss off the weather wackos. Or maybe “….Mesomorphic Global Warming”?


  4. darin:

    I'm still reading it. It's very good. Thanks for putting all the effort into writing it! One editorial comment for the next version: stop telling me that you're going to be telling me about something later. Just ax those sentences and sentence fragments.

    As for NOAA recently taking down weather station location data, that's gotta be available via the Freedom of Information Act. Extra credit to the lawyer that can structure the FOIA request such that NOAA has to provide pictures of all the sites!