Great Shirt Outlet
This is so wildly out of character for me that I have a hard time believing I am posting on it, but I have come to like many of the more casual shirts made by Robert Talbott. He also seems to have a lot of nice dress shirts and ties, but since I don't wear suits and ties any more, I do not pay them much attention.
Anyway, when we were on the Monterrey peninsula last week, my wife and I found the Robert Talbott outlet in Carmel Valley Village (inland of Carmel). Most all the $250 shirts were $49 and the ties seemed similarly discounted. Cool. Also, they have a large selection of fabrics in the back that you can get shirts custom made. I don't care for wine much, but my wife is also a fan of his Chardonnay, which he makes a few blocks away.
By the way, here are a couple of Monterrey pix:
Thank you very much for the great information.
511 shirts