US Government Kidnapping

Growing up, my dad was a corporate executive in an industry where family members were routinely kidnapped and held for ransom in various countries.  As a result, I had a no-travel list of countries I could not visit, which included unsurprising entries like certain third world nations but also included countries like Italy and Germany, which we forget were plagued with Red Brigade kidnappings in the 1970's.

Foreign executives may have to add the United States to their no-travel list, as the US steps up its campaign of arresting people for activities they engaged in outside our country and which were legal in their home countries:

The founders of the online payment service Neteller have apparently been arrested  at airports in New York and Los Angeles.

not yet clear why they were arrested. But it's worth noting that
Neteller, which is based in the Isle of Man, is the only offshore
online payment service that decided to continue to allow its U.S.
customers to do business with online gambling sites after the new bill
banning such transactions passed at the end of the last Congress.

And of course, U.S. officials have made a habit of late  of arresting high-profile offshore gambling executives when they pass through the U.S. to switch planes.

If an American, changing planes in Saudi Arabia, was arrested for being gay, or not wearing a burka, we would be outraged.  Brits should similarly be outraged that their subjects are being thrown in US jails for activities that are perfectly legal in their home country.

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This Brit is outraged that the British Home Office is prone to try to interfere in Isle of Man's internal affairs, which it has no right to do. The Manxmen have internal self-government; they are not part of the UK. But their external affairs are British business, so I hope that little Blair will now invade the USA to stick up for Manx rights. (Hollow laugh.)

Man Warren, you are on a roll with your recent string of posts. I couldn't agree more that arresting people for actions committed in other jurisdictions, that are not crimes in those jurisdictions, sets a terrible precedent.