Happy Lenin's Birthday

Nothing better illustrates the succesful rebranding of most of the principles of socialism into environmentalism than Earth Day, itself a rebranding of Lenin's birthday.

It is no accident that all the things we supposedly have to do to fight climate change are the exact same things socialists used to demand under the banner of Marxism.

After the failure of communism in Eastern Europe, promoters found their message -- to give up our freedoms for the collective -- didn't really have much power.  I guess they deserve some credit as marketers to have successfully gotten so many people who rejected the socialist message to buy into the plea that they need to give up all their freedoms for a 0.01% change in atmospheric CO2 concentration.

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Marx was a big fan of cap-and-trade.

> Marx was a big fan of cap-and-trade.

Stalin was, too. Only for him, it was more along the lines of "Put a cap in him, and trade his goods for something we actually want". I think, in the end, this is Obama's underlying intention, too.

Stalin was, too. Only for him, it was more along the lines of “Put a cap in him, and trade his goods for something we actually want”. I think, in the end, this is Obama’s underlying intention, too.

Agree with all of that - especially the last sentence.

But, to be FAIR TO STALIN....you can also say that about Lenin. I have no idea what rewritten, bastardized history people have been reading, but Lenin was absolutely no less brutal than Stalin. Lenin not only approved of Stalin - especially his brutality - but Lenin chose Stalin as his successor. I believe it's popular to believe that Stalin stole the throne in the shuffle after Lenin's death. Both the American left and the Russian government would like to sell people that fiction because they can then conveniently write Stalin off as an abomination, not as the natural progression of their diseased ideas.

The only difference between Lenin and Stalin is that Stalin lived to carry out the plans of Lenin and Lenin died. Just look through the archives of history at the orders Lenin signed. Read "The Collected Works of Lenin". All of those archives are open now. Yet, the truth about bloodthirsty Lenin's murderous brutality has yet to reach the mainstream.

Happy freaking Lenin's birthday...I mean...earth day...of course...ahem.

Marx was a big fan of cap-and-trade.