Regulation Gone Mad
I am importing a fairly expensive art clock from Germany. It hit Fedex in Memphis yesterday, then apparently hit a snag. The US government demands that certain data on imported clocks be submitted to them before it can clear customs. Fedex had to pay someone for about half an hour of work (to track me down, interview me on the phone, and submit the paperwork) so that this critical data could be submitted to the Feds:
I kid you not. This would be one of the dumbest things I have seen from the government had it not been for the egg licenses I have to hold. This data was probably critical for some program pushed through by a Senator to protect some business in his district that does not even exist any more. I wonder if anyone in the government even remembers why this data is so vital (seriously, per question 11, how many wind-up clocks are coming through customs nowadays). Probably part of a program to protect America's essential capacity to manufacture clock movements over 12mm in thickness.
reminds me of my work with MSHA (mine safety and health administration).
We make caplamps for the mining industry. One of the requirements is that I provide a "secondary filament or bulb". This is due to the fact that tungston filaments will eventually burn out, and a back-up light is required. Thing is, we only make lights with LED's in them now. The mode of failure is completely different....they simply don't burn out. But guess what, we have to put a second LED in because the regulations were written into law sometime back in the 60's.
It would literally take and act of congress to change this.
For some reason this reminds me of the line from the movie Snatch - "Hurry up Tommy... before ze Germans get here."
Call me ignorant, but how do a "watch movement" and "clock movement" differ? And since when do you need to be a timepiece expert to buy a damn Bavarian clock?
LOL! Like Spiro, I haven't a clue what the difference is between a "clock movement" and a "watch movement" - other than, perhaps, the relative sizes. In fact, I seriously doubt if I could answer most of those questions* if I was importing a clock bought online.
* I'd hopefully at least know whether it had an alarm (do chimes count?) and how it's powered.
Of course those questions were necessary. You might be importing a clock that could become the detonation timer for a bomb. After all, the 18,373 different clocks already available for purchase in the US could NEVER be used for such a purpose.
My answers:
1. Is this a clock with a watch movement? Yes, I will watch it move.
2. Is this a clock with a clock movement? No, it will stay in one place.
3. What is the size of the movement? If it's not constipated, about 8 ounces.
5. What is the country of origin of the movement? I believe it's China due to the mu shu pork it consumed yesterday.
6. Does it have an alarm? No, it isn't valuable enough for security monitoring.
7. Type of clock? Wooden (like the heads of the bureaucrats who developed this form).
8. Is the movement's size over... Yes, see #3 above.
9. Number of jewels? I have two. The clock has none.
10. Type of power? Black Power.
11. Length of time the clock can operate before rewinding? I don't know, it keeps stopping so I don't know how long it ran.
If you think this is bad, stay away from the financial industry and capital markets.
And wait until you see what Barney Fwank has in store for all of us….
That's funny. I mean that is so sad, but so terribly funny, because it's probably happening on a large scale. Someone should research how many useless time-consuming procedures are in place to protect non-existent companies.
Sadly reminiscent of Hugh Troy's "Flypaper Report"?
A century ago, when clocks were high tech, were all mechanical, and concerns about the US clock making industry existed, this nonsense was apparently adopted. (Have you ever read the specifications for 'railroad watches'?). Probably akin to cataloging high end computer workstations by numbers of CPUs and drive capacity today.
Anyhow, technology changes quickly and regulatory structures at a snails pace, really stupid stuff is bound to happen. It's only relatively recently that manufacturers no longer have to put '0 jewels' on digital watches.
I would be willing to wager that there was at one time a tariff or quota in place to protect the strategically important American pocket watch industry. Prior to 1950 or so, it was these highly accurate mechanical watches in the hands of conductors and switchmen that kept the railroads running to timetables and kept trains from colliding.
I would further posit that since the world center for producing these is in Germany and Switzerland, the supply to the United States wsa more than likely interrupted during WWI, if not the Franco-Prussian rar before that.
It is also likely that some enterprising businessman determined that he could get around the regulation by packaging a high quality watch-sized movement inside of a chap wooden case and exporting them as mantle clocks, which an American jeweler could purchase, strip out the movement, and sell it inside of an empty watch case, possibly supplied by the same German or Swiss exporter.
Therefore someone had to come up with a slew of regulations defining what a watch movement was in terms of size and other factors, so the tariff could be properly enforced.
Fast forward to today, and there is no longer any rational reason for the regulations, since even cheap quartz movements are more than accurate enough for the same purposes. However, no one in Washington remembers that the regs are still in place, let alone thinks the cost of repealing them is worth the hassle.
Stan: I suspect that if I knew the answer to that question, my head might explode.
From a five minute search, this seems to be a fairly recent regulation, from the 1993 act implementing NAFTA.
The summary: If the movement is smaller than the dimensions stated, it's a clock with a watch movement; not a clock. The country of origin of the movement determines the country of origin of the timepiece. Putting the bands on a watch reset the country of origin of the bands to the country of origin of the movement/timepiece.
Just to add to the confusion:
The Departments of Interior and Commerce administer import quotas on watches and watch movements from U.S. insular possessions that are admissible free of duty under General Note 3(a) (iv), U.S. Legal Note 5 to Chapter 91 of the HTSUS on a licensing basis.
I wonder if the clock was ticking inside the package...
It's a homeland security thing, and it becomes clear if you think about it (I was aided by a FedEx executive). If it's got a time mechanism on it, we need to screen it to make sure it isn't a bomb en route to somewhere vital. Trivial, stupid bureaucracy UNTIL something goes off somewhere, and then you'd be all "why didn't we know about it." One evil or the other, right?
You are absolutely right. Why would the modern terrorist go through the trouble of attaching a silent cellphone to a bomb, when he could much more easily wire it to a tick-tock cuckoo clock from some gingerbread town in Bavaria?
Thank God for Big Brother for looking out for us and protecting us from Snidely Whiplash
This is just part of our country's checklist obsession. Many agencies and groups have procedures that they follow. Most of the steps in the procedure were determined by lots of meetings. And, they collect information that is completely irrelevant and unactionable.
For example, I just bought a house in a gated community. As part of the process I needed to send $30 for a background study. Why? There really isn't any actionable information in the background study that they can use. Even if I were Ted Bundy what could they legally do? Yet, they determined they "need" this info, have it on their checklist, and were determined to get the process done.
Of course, the fact that it probably cost them $10 to do the study and the rest of the fee is profit has something to do with it. If they could figure out another 10 meaningless "checks" and "studies" that sounded reasonable I am sure they would add them to the process
Speak for yourself; my digital watch has some diamonds and sapphires.
People think that the "Nordic Countries" (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland) are socialistic and U.S. capitalistic. In what comes to, e.g., labor market, that's mainly true. In some other aspects, the contrary.
In general, private rents are not regulated at all in Finland. Unfortunately, there are also public rental apartments.
Private health care is less regulated in Nordic Countries than in the U.S. Unfortunately, we do have a relatively bigger public sector here.
We are in many ways more free trade than the U.S. Unfortunately, the agriculture is the biggest exception and the EU forces some other exceptions too.
Our labor markets are much more regulated, although the Denmark is a good exception, e.g., firing is fairly free. Unemployment benefits, though, are high there too.
Here's a ranking of countries according to the degree of capitalism. The U.S. does, in the average, a bit better than the Nordic Countries.
I would be willing to wager that there was at one time a tariff or quota in place to protect the strategically important American pocket watch industry. Prior to 1950 or so, it was these highly accurate mechanical watches in the hands of conductors and switchmen that kept the railroads running to timetables and kept trains from colliding.
I would further posit that since the world center for producing these is in Germany and Switzerland, the supply to the United States wsa more than likely interrupted during WWI, if not the Franco-Prussian rar before that.
It is also likely that some enterprising businessman determined that he could get around the regulation by packaging a high quality watch-sized movement inside of a chap wooden case and exporting them as mantle clocks, which an American jeweler could purchase, strip out the movement, and sell it inside of an empty watch case, possibly supplied by the same German or Swiss exporter.
Therefore someone had to come up with a slew of regulations defining what a watch movement was in terms of size and other factors, so the tariff could be properly enforced.
Fast forward to today, and there is no longer any rational reason for the regulations, since even cheap quartz movements are more than accurate enough for the same purposes. However, no one in Washington remembers that the regs are still in place, let alone thinks the cost of repealing them is worth the hassle.
Stan: I suspect that if I knew the answer to that question, my head might explode.
Spiro + Snidely Whiplash = WIN
EU og NWO politik er at ødelægge vores hvidt
vestlige samfund:
Indvandring er massiv indvandring fra Afrika, iislam og asiatiske folk, der ikke har nogen viden om demokrati, og de er aganist kristendommen (kristne?).
Anyway vores regeringer fylde vores lande, ved at sende disse mennesker her.
Uden denne masse - indvandring hvert nordisk borger ville have et job og hjem?
Nu lever vi postindustrielle fase, som de kalder det, og job er for det meste servicejobs, i stedet for industriel produktion job.
I stedet for at give disse nye jobs til hvide arbejderklasse folk-ny verdensorden-regeringer i EU har valgt at give nye arbejdspladser til »ny verdensorden«-indvandrere, og på denne måde komme hvide arbejderklasse ud af samfundet.
Dette er meget effektiv måde at slette vores demokratiske vestlige samfund - og vores nordiske landes regeringer er fuldt ud i henhold til denne dagsorden.
Disse regeringer eller vores førende politikere er medlemmer af sataniske verdenseliten og deres nye verdensorden - politik, f.ex. Bilderberg.
EU og NWO politikk ødelegger våre hvit vestlige samfunn:
Innvandring er masseinnvandring av afrikansk, iislam og asiatiske folk, som ikke har noen forståelse om demokrati-og de er aganist christianity (kristne?).
Allikevel våre regjeringer fylle våre land ved å sende disse menneskene her.
Uten denne massen - innvandringen hvert nordisk borger ville ha en jobb og hjem?
NÃ¥ vi lever etter industrielle fasen, som de kaller det, og jobber for det meste tjenesten jobber, i stedet for industri-produksjon jobber.
I stedet for å gi disse nye jobbene til hvit arbeiderklasse mennesker ny verdensorden-EU-regjeringer har valgt å gi nye arbeidsplasser til "nye verdensorden"-innvandrere, og på denne måten sette hvite arbeiderklassen ut av samfunnet.
Dette er svært effektiv måte å slette våre demokratiske vestlige samfunn - og våre nordiske landene regjeringer er fullt opererer under denne agendaen.
Disse myndigheter eller våre ledende politikere er medlemmer av sataniske verdenseliten og deres nye verdensorden - politikk, bl.a. Bilderberg.
EU and NWO politics is destroying our white
western societies:
Immigration is mass immigration of african, iislam and asian people, who have no understanding about democracy- and they are aganist christianity ( christians? ).
Anyway our governments fill our countries by sending these people here.
Without this mass - immigration every nordic citizen would have a job and home?
Now we are living post industrial phase, as they call it- and jobs are mostly service jobs, instead of industrial- production jobs.
Instead of giving these new jobs to white working class people- new world order-EU governments has chosen to give new jobs to ' new world order '-immigrants, and this way put white working class out of society.
This is very effective way to delete our democratic western societies - and our nordic countries governments are fully operating under this agenda.
These governments or our leading politicians are members of satanic world elite and their new world order - politics, f.ex. Bilderberg.
This has already changed our countries a lot.
Schengen made it easy for people to move in Europe. That was never needed. It was easy to move in Europe - but Schengen made it easy for criminals and immigrants to move to other countries.
Now f.ex. some banks do not accept anymore 10 years old ID-cards, which of course id NWO - EU politics:
Everyone must get new microchip cards, which are used in new EU police state.
After accepting EU treaty EU is a federation, and EU controls every EU country, every way, if they want it...
EU og NWO politik er at ødelægge vores hvidt
vestlige samfund:
Indvandring er massiv indvandring fra Afrika, iislam og asiatiske folk, der ikke har nogen viden om demokrati, og de er aganist kristendommen (kristne?).
Anyway vores regeringer fylde vores lande, ved at sende disse mennesker her.
Uden denne masse - indvandring hvert nordisk borger ville have et job og hjem?
Nu lever vi postindustrielle fase, som de kalder det, og job er for det meste servicejobs, i stedet for industriel produktion job.
I stedet for at give disse nye jobs til hvide arbejderklasse folk-ny verdensorden-regeringer i EU har valgt at give nye arbejdspladser til »ny verdensorden«-indvandrere, og på denne måde komme hvide arbejderklasse ud af samfundet.
Dette er meget effektiv måde at slette vores demokratiske vestlige samfund - og vores nordiske landes regeringer er fuldt ud i henhold til denne dagsorden.
Disse regeringer eller vores førende politikere er medlemmer af sataniske verdenseliten og deres nye verdensorden - politik, f.ex. Bilderberg.
Dette har allerede ændret vores lande en masse.
Schengen gjort det nemt for folk at bevæge sig i Europa. Det var aldrig nødvendigt. Det var let at bevæge sig i Europa - men Schengen gjort det nemt for kriminelle og indvandrere til at flytte til andre lande.
Nu f.ex. Nogle banker accepterer ikke længere er 10 år gammel ID-kort, som naturligvis id NWO - EU-politik:
Alle skal få nye mikrochip kort, som anvendes i nye EU-politistat.
Efter at have accepteret EU-traktat EU er en føderation, og EU-kontrol hvert EU-land, hver vej, hvis de ønsker det ...
Dette har allerede forandret våre land mye.
Schengen gjort det enkelt for folk å bevege seg i Europa. Det var aldri nødvendig. Det var lett å flytte i Europa - men Schengen gjort det enkelt for kriminelle og innvandrere for å flytte til andre land.
Nå fx Noen banker aksepterer ikke lenger 10 år gammel ID-kort, som selvfølgelig id NWO - EU-politikk:
Alle må få nye microchip kort, som brukes i nye EU politistat.
Etter å godta EU-traktaten EU er en føderasjon, og EU-kontroll hvert EU-land, hver vei, hvis de ønsker det ...
Vi har en politistat allerede ser oss:
Hvis vi sier noe imot innvandring, kan vi bli anklaget på grunn av rasisme-og politiet har alltid en grunn til å undersøke eller
gripe inn i saker ...
Satanic politistat er virkelighet i EU-land, men de skjuler det og gjør det nøye alltid få folkets aksept for deres skritt mot NWO politistat verdensorden ...
EU och NWO (ny världsordning) politik är att förstöra vår vita
västerländska samhällen
Invandringen är massinvandring av Afrika, islam och asiatiska människor, som inte har någon förståelse för demokrati och de är mot kristendomen (kristna?).
Anyway våra regeringar fylla våra länder genom att skicka dessa människor här.
Utan denna massa - invandring alla nordiska medborgare skulle ha ett jobb och hem?
Nu lever vi postindustriella fasen, som de kallar det, och jobb är mestadels servicejobb, i stället för industriell produktion jobb.
Istället för att ge dessa nya jobb till vita arbetarklassen folk-ny världsordning-EU: s regeringar har valt att ge nya arbetstillfällen för "nya världsordningen" invandrare, och på så sätt sätta vita arbetarklassen ute i samhället.
Detta är mycket effektivt sätt att ta bort våra demokratiska västerländska samhället - och våra nordiska ländernas regeringar är helt verkar under denna agenda.
Dessa regeringar eller våra ledande politiker är medlemmar i satanistiska världseliten och deras nya världsordningen - politik, hos exempelvis Bilderberg.
Detta har redan förändrat våra länder mycket.
Schengen gjort det enkelt för människor att röra sig i Europa. Det behövdes aldrig. Det var lätt att röra sig i Europa - men Schengen gjorde det lätt för brottslingar och invandrare att flytta till andra länder.
Nu hos exempelvis Vissa banker accepterar inte längre 10 år gamla ID-kort, vilket givetvis id NWO - EU (Europeiska Unionen) politik:
Alla måste få nya microchip kort, som används i de nya EU polisstat.
Efter att acceptera EU-fördraget EU är en federation, och EU-kontroller varje EU-land, på alla sätt, om de vill ..
Vi har en polisstat redan ser oss:
Om vi säger något emot invandring får vi anklagas grund av rasism och polisen har alltid en anledning att undersöka eller
gå in på dina frågor ...
Satanic polisstat är verklighet i EU-länderna, men de gömmer det och göra det omsorgsfullt alltid få folkets godkännande i sina steg mot NWO polisstat världsordningen ...
EU und der NWO (new world order) Politik zerstört unsere weißen
westlichen Gesellschaften:
Die Einwanderung ist Masseneinwanderung aus Afrika, Islam und asiatischen Menschen, die kein Verständnis von Demokratie haben, und sie sind gegen das Christentum (Christen?).
Auf jeden Fall unsere Regierungen unserer Länder zu füllen, indem sie diese Leute hier.
Ohne diese Masse - Einwanderung alle Nordic Bürger hätten einen Arbeitsplatz und zu Hause?
Jetzt leben wir postindustriellen Phase, wie sie es nennen-und Arbeitsplätze sind vor allem Arbeitsplätze im Dienstleistungsbereich, statt der industriellen Produktion Beschäftigung.
Anstatt diese neuen Arbeitsplätze zu weißen Arbeiterklasse Menschen neue Weltordnung-EU-Staaten hat sich dafür entschieden, neue Arbeitsplätze zu "neuen Weltordnung" geben, Einwanderer, und dieser Weg gebracht weißen Arbeiterklasse aus der Gesellschaft.
Dies ist sehr effektiver Weg, unsere demokratischen westlichen Gesellschaften zu löschen - und unsere nordischen Ländern sind die Regierungen in vollem Umfang die im Rahmen dieser Agenda.
Diese Regierungen oder unsere führenden Politiker sind Mitglieder der satanische Welt-Elite und ihre neue Weltordnung - Politik, zb Bilderberg.
Dies hat sich bereits verändert unseren Ländern sehr viel.
Schengen war es einfach für die Menschen in Europa zu bewegen. Das war nie nötig war. Es war leicht, in Europa zu bewegen - aber Schengen, die es einfach für Kriminelle und Migranten zu bewegen, um in anderen Ländern.
Jetzt zb einige Banken akzeptieren nicht mehr 10 Jahre alt, ID-Karten, die natürlich id NWO - EU (Europäische Union) Politik:
Jeder muss sich neuen Mikrochip-Karten, die in den neuen EU Polizeistaat verwendet werden.
Nach der Annahme der EU-Vertrag der EU ist ein Verband, und EU-Kontrollen jedem EU-Land, jede Art und Weise, wenn sie es wollen ..
Wir haben einen Polizeistaat bereits beobachtet uns:
Wenn wir sagen, etwas gegen die Einwanderung, können wir wegen des Rassismus bezichtigt zu werden, und die Polizei hat immer einen Grund zu untersuchen oder
einmischen in Ihren Fragen ...
Satanic Polizeistaat ist die Realität in den EU-Ländern, aber sie sind versteckt, und das tun sie immer sorgfältig die Akzeptanz der Menschen, ihre Schritte in Richtung NWO Polizeistaat Welt um ...
EU: n ja NWO (New World Order) politiikka tuhoavat valkoinen
länsimaisten yhteiskuntien:
Maahanmuutto on massa maahanmuuton afrikkalainen, islamin ja Aasian ihmisiä, joilla ei ole ymmärrystä siitä, demokratiaa ja niitä vastaan kristinusko (kristittyjä?).
Tapauksessa hallituksemme täyttää maidemme lähettämällä nämä ihmiset täällä.
Ilman tätä massaa - maahanmuutto kaikkien Pohjoismaiden kansalaisilla olisi työpaikka ja koti?
Nyt eletään postitse teollisuuden vaiheessa, koska he kutsuvat sitä ja työpaikat ovat lähinnä palvelualan työpaikkoja, eikä teollisen tuotannon työpaikkoja.
Sen sijaan, että nämä uudet työpaikat valkoisen työväenluokan ihmisiä, New World Order-EU: n hallitukset ovat päättäneet antaa uusia työpaikkoja "uutta maailmanjärjestystä" maahanmuuttajien, ja tällä tavoin asettaa valkoisen työväenluokan tässä yhteiskunnassa.
Tämä on erittäin tehokas tapa poistaa demokraattiset länsimaisissa yhteiskunnissa - ja myös Pohjoismaiden hallitukset ovat täysin toimivat tällä esityslistalla.
Nämä hallitukset tai meidän johtavat poliitikot ovat jäseniä saatanallisen maailman eliittiä ja New World Order - politiikka jutuille Bilderberg.
Tämä on jo muuttanut maidemme paljon.
Schengen on helppoa ihmisten liikkumista Euroopassa. Tämä ei koskaan tarvita. Se oli helppo liikkua Euroopassa - mutta Schengen tehty helpoksi rikollisille ja maahanmuuttajien siirtyä muihin maihin.
Nyt jutuille jotkut pankit eivät hyväksy enää 10 vuotta vanha ID-korttia, joka tietenkin id NWO - EU (Euroopan unioni) politiikka:
Kaikkien on saatava uusi mikrosiru-kortteja, joita käytetään EU: n uusien poliisivaltiota.
Hyväksymisen jälkeen EU: n perustamissopimuksen EU on liittovaltio, ja EU: n valvontaa kaikissa EU-maa, kaikin tavoin, jos he haluavat sitä ..
Meillä on poliisivaltio jo-tarkkailee meitä:
Jos sanomme jotain vastaan maahanmuuttoa, saatamme syyttää rasismin vuoksi, ja poliisi on aina syytä tutkia tai
häiritse omalle asioita ...
Satanic poliisi valtio on todellisuutta EU-maissa, mutta ne ovat piilossa, ja tehdä se huolellisesti, aina saada ihmisten hyväksyntää niiden toimia NWO poliisivaltiota maailman tilaa ...
ESB og NWO (Nýi heimurinn röð) à stjórnmálum er að eyðileggja hvÃtur okkar
Western samfélaga:
Útlendingastofnun er massi innflytjendamálum à AfrÃku, Ãslam og AsÃu fólk, sem ekki hafa skilning um lýðræði og þeir eru á móti Kristni (kristnir?).
Engu að sÃður rÃkisstjórnir okkar fylla löndum okkar með þvà að senda þessu fólki hér.
Ef þetta Fjölmiðlar - innflytjendamálum öllum norrænu rÃkisborgara hefði vinnu og heimili?
Nú erum við að búa staða iðnaðar áfanga, eins og þeir kalla það og störf eru að mestu leyti þjónustu störf, à stað þess að iðnaðar-framleiðslu störf.
à stað þess að veita þessum ný störf á hvÃtu að vinna flokki fólks-Nýi heimurinn röð ESB stjórnvöld hafa ákveðið að gefa ný störf við "Nýi heimurinn röð '-innflytjendum, og þannig setja hvÃtt vinnandi flokki af samfélagið.
Þetta er mjög áhrifarÃk leið til að eyða lýðræðisleg vestri okkar þjóðfélögum - og Norðurlanda okkar stjórnvöld eru að fullu starfa samkvæmt þessari dagskrá.
Þessar rÃkisstjórnir eða leiða stjórnmálamenn okkar eru aðilar Satanic heim Elite og Nýi heimurinn röð þeirra - stjórnmál, f.ex. Bilderberg.
Þetta hefur þegar breytt löndum okkar mikið.
Schengen gerði það auðvelt fyrir fólk að flytja à Evrópu. Það var aldrei þörf. Það var auðvelt að flytja à Evrópu - en Schengen gerði það auðvelt fyrir glæpamenn og innflytjendur til að flytja til annarra landa.
Nú f.ex. sumir bankar tökum ekki lengur 10 ára ID-kort, sem að sjálfsögðu id NWO - Evrópusambandinu (ESB) stjórnmál:
Allir verða að fá ný spil microchip, sem eru notaðar à nýju ESB lögreglu rÃki.
Eftir að samþykkja ESB-sáttmála ESB er sambandið, og ESB stjórna öllum ESB-landi, alla leið, ef þeir vilja það ..
Við höfum lögreglu rÃki þegar-að horfa á okkur:
Ef við segja eitthvað gegn innflytjendamálum, við getur verið sakaður vegna fordóma og lögreglan hefur alltaf ástæðu til að kanna eða
áhrif á mál þitt ...
Söngvar lögreglu ástand er veruleiki à ESB-löndum, en þeir eru að fela það og gera það vel-alltaf að fá samþykki fólks til þess að stÃga sÃn til NWO lögreglu rÃki heims til ...
UE et NWO (nouvel ordre mondial) la politique est de détruire notre blanc
les sociétés occidentales:
L'immigration est une immigration massive de l'islam africain, et les Asiatiques, qui n'ont aucune idée de la démocratie et ils sont contre le christianisme (chrétiens?).
De toute façon nos gouvernements de remplir nos pays par l'envoi de ces gens ici.
Sans cette masse - l'immigration tous les citoyens nordiques auraient un emploi et à la maison?
Maintenant, nous vivons post phase industrielle, comme ils l'appellent, et les emplois sont essentiellement des emplois de service, au lieu d'emplois de production industrielle.
Au lieu de donner à ces nouveaux emplois pour les personnes blanches classe ouvrière nouvel ordre mondial, les gouvernements de l'UE a choisi d'accorder de nouveaux emplois pour «nouvel ordre mondial« non-immigrants, et ainsi mettre blanche classe ouvrière de la société.
C'est la façon très efficace pour supprimer nos sociétés démocratiques occidentales - et nos gouvernements des pays nordiques sont totalement opérationnel en vertu du présent ordre du jour.
Ces gouvernements ou de nos dirigeants politiques sont membres de l'élite monde satanique et leur nouvel ordre mondial - politique, ex. les Bilderberg.
Cela a déjà changé notre pays, un lot.
Schengen, il était facile de se déplacer en Europe. Cela n'a jamais été nécessaire. Il était facile de se déplacer en Europe - mais de Schengen fait pour faciliter les criminels et les immigrés à se déplacer vers d'autres pays.
Maintenant ex. les certaines banques n'acceptent pas plus de 10 ans ID-cartes, ce qui bien sûr NWO id - UE (Union européenne) la politique:
Chacun doit avoir une carte de nouvelle puce, qui sont utilisés dans de nouvelles police de l'UE.
Après avoir accepté le Traité européen: l'UE est une fédération, et contrôles de l'UE tous les pays de l'UE, tous les moyens, s'ils le veulent ..
Nous disposons d'un État policier déjà nous regarde:
Si nous disons quelque chose contre l'immigration, nous mai être accusé en raison de racisme et de la police a toujours une raison d'enquêter ou
interférer dans votre compte ...
Satanic État policier, c'est la réalité dans les pays de l'UE, mais ils le cachent et de le faire avec soin toujours obtenir l'acceptation des gens à leurs pas vers NWO Etat ordre de la police monde ...
EU en NWO (nieuwe wereldorde) politiek is het vernietigen onze witte
westerse samenlevingen:
Immigratie is massale immigratie van de Afrikaanse, de islam en Aziatische mensen, die geen begrip hebben over democratie en ze zijn tegen het christendom (christenen?).
Anyway onze regeringen vullen onze landen door het versturen van deze mensen hier.
Zonder deze massa - immigratie nordic elke burger zou hebben van een baan en huis?
Nu zijn we leven post-industriële fase, zoals zij het noemen-en werkgelegenheid zijn meestal dienst banen, in plaats van de industriële productie-banen.
In plaats van deze nieuwe banen op witte arbeidersklasse mensen nieuwe wereldorde-regeringen van de EU heeft gekozen voor een nieuwe baan te geven aan 'nieuwe wereldorde'-immigranten, en op deze manier gebracht witte werkende klasse van de samenleving.
Dit is zeer effectieve manier om onze democratische westerse samenlevingen te verwijderen - en onze Scandinavische landen regeringen volledig operationeel kader van deze agenda.
Deze regeringen of onze leidende politici zijn lid van satanische wereld elite en hun nieuwe wereld orde - politiek, f.ex. Bilderberg.
Dit is al veranderd onze landen veel.
Schengen maakte het gemakkelijk voor mensen om te bewegen in Europa. Dat was nooit nodig. Het was gemakkelijk te verplaatsen in Europa - maar Schengen maakte het makkelijk voor criminelen en immigranten te verhuizen naar andere landen.
Nu f.ex. sommige banken accepteren niet meer 10 jaar oud ID-kaarten, die natuurlijk id NWO - EU (Europese Unie) politiek:
Iedereen moet krijgen nieuwe microchip kaarten, die worden gebruikt in de nieuwe EU politiestaat.
Na het aanvaarden EU-verdrag EU is een federatie, en EU-controles elk EU-land, elke manier, als ze dat willen ..
We hebben een politiestaat al-watching us:
Als we zeggen iets tegen immigratie, kunnen wij worden beschuldigd van racisme, omdat de politie en heeft altijd een reden om te onderzoeken of
mengen in uw zaken ...
Satanic politie staat is realiteit in EU-landen, maar ze verbergen het en doen het altijd zorgvuldig de aanvaarding van mensen om hun stappen in de richting NWO politiestaat wereldorde ...
Why EU let criminals enter into our countries?
First they let Schengen give rights to everyone enter our country, without any checking .
Then they are here - like fjellreven - demanding police state laws!
Its old ILLUMINATI - world order ttrick:
ORDO AB CHAOS! = first they create chaos, then they offer you a solution THEY WANT!
PS. Why this message was deleted by
Eneste løsning er at sende indvandrere hjem-eller fjerne dem en eller anden måde?
De blev anlagt her, således at arbejdende klasse mennesker kunne blive sat ud af systemet, fordi de ville have krævet mere løn, og demokrati, rettigheder, nu dette EU-NWO fascisme takles disse mennesker til at gøre lav betaling arbejde her-og give service jobs til disse indvandrere eller unge, der ikke kræver ret meget, - og de ikke nødvendigvis betaler skat enten ...?
F.ex. WTC - POLITIETS i delstaterne U.S.A. .. osv.
Only solution is to send immigrants back- or remove them some way?
They were brought here, so that working class people could be put out of system- because they would have demanded more salary, and democracy, rights- now this EU-NWO fascism takles these people to do low-payment work here- and give service jobs to these immigrants or young people, who do not demand much, - and they do not necessarily pay taxes either...?