It's 2016 And Microsoft STILL Can't Do Bulleted Lists in Word Correctly
I am just staggered. I am trying to create and edit a simple 2 level (e.g. 1-a-b-c-2-3-4-a-b-5) etc. list in Microsoft Word and the bulleting STILL does not work right after, what, at least 10 major versions of the software? Microsoft spends like a million man-hours screwing with the user interface so I constantly have to waste time hunting around looking for options like footer editing but they can't fix bullet points. This is just unbelievably stupid. No wonder productivity growth has flattened in this country -- MS Office is single-handedly trying to reduce it for everyone.
If you have worked with a law firm lately, you may well have found one still using Word Perfect. Don't remember Word Perfect? Beyond their being the king of the cntl-right shift-j style of commands, the one thing they could do even 20 years ago was manage a hierarchical list without making a total mess.