Why Prostitution Should Be Legal
Folks often use the abuses in the prostitution industry as evidence of why it should be illegal. But these abuses are actually a result of the illegality. Sex workers in illicit industries cannot use the police and legal system to address abuses without risking arrest. Essentially, they are cut off from access to the legal system and its protections that we take for granted.
People act like the abuses are inherent to the fact that prostitution is a sex work industry, but here is an example of (legal) sex workers protecting themselves and addressing abuses through the legal system, just like all the rest of us do. If prostitution were legal, then prostitutes could do the same.
Three Valley strip clubs are being sued by exotic dancers with the help of a Texas law firm over alleged unpaid tips and wages....
Hodges' firm and the strippers are suing to make the strippers official employees. Their new system would be similar to that of restaurant wait staff, who typically earn a sub-minimum salary (Arizona allows as low as $3 an hour for tipped employees) while pooling tips among their fellow workers. If no customers come in, the staff is still guaranteed to make at least minimum wage, plus time-and-a-half for any overtime worked.
I'm not a big fan of the premise of the lawsuit (trying to force businesses to change their employment model from dancers as independent contractors to dancers as employees) but it is their free access to the legal system that is the point here. One could never imagine such a lawsuit with a group of prostitutes arguing that the people they worked for were not paying them fairly.