My Wife Is Ahead of Her Time

As "Stand By Me" is now teed-up to become the #1 wedding song in the English-speaking world, at least for a time, my wife actually chose it for our wedding almost 30 years ago.  It is really one of the great songs, and should be ranked well higher than the 122nd place Rolling Stone Magazine gave it.  I didn't watch the royal wedding this morning but my breakfast was interrupted by my wife screaming at me to "come see this" as "Stand by Me" was sung.


Postscript:  I remember years ago the Police's "Every Breath You Take" dominated weddings for a while.  At one point Sting did an interview where he told everyone -- I will paraphrase but I think this is close -- "stop playing that song at your weddings. Have you listened to the lyrics?  It is a super-creepy song about stalking."  I would add a big ditto to this for everyone in the 90's that was using at their weddings the Dolly Parton / Whitney Houston tune "I'll Always Love You," which is actually a break-up song.


  1. Vangel:

    Etta James still rules. At Last and A Sunday Kind of Love are both wonderful.

  2. herdgadfly:

    Unfortunately, the royal couple didn't have Ben E King.

  3. LowcountryJoe:

    Something you wrote in your blog entry about Uber: "People don't always seem to have a good grasp..." Just make it a full-stop with period.

  4. cc:

    For a while, people were playing "Just Haven't Met You Yet" which is a different kind of creepy: if you haven't met the love of your life yet, who is this person you are marrying?

  5. Ike Pigott:

    My father once performed a wedding where the couple insisted upon "Bridge Over Troubled Water."

  6. Swami:

    My favorite wedding song is Tina Turner's "What’s Love Got To Do With It"

  7. SamWah:

    I don't recall a wedding song in either of mine, some 10 and 30 years ago. But then, I am old, and my memory isn't what it never was...

  8. Peabody:

    Reminds me of Eve 6's "Here's to the Night", which is a common graduation and prom song. It is very clearly about a one night stand. Which actually does perhaps fit with prom, but not in the way nearly everyone thinks.

  9. AtlantaDude:

    I went to a wedding in the late 1980s post-Top-Gun era and the song was "You've Lost that Loving Feeling".

  10. marco73:

    A better one would have been "Danger Zone."

  11. Maximum Liberty:

    "my wife actually chose it for our wedding almost 30 years ago"

    Huh. Same here. 29 years this year.

  12. Anon:

    I wanted the Michael Hurly song "You're going to look like a monkey when you get old" but my bride vetoed it. It's amazing 40 years later how prescient it was.

  13. Bill Setser:

    A friend was all set to use Pink Floyd’s “Mother” for his groom’s dance with his mom. I told him he’d better listen to the lyrics more closely, because she surely would, and would kick his ass.

  14. Bill Setser:

    Battleship Chains by the Georgia Satellites is a good song for weddings. ?

  15. hcunn:

    Sting had a remarkably sweet voice in "Every Breath", but he is right-- the lyrics are creepy.

  16. Michael Wright:

    A musician buddy years ago used to play at weddings. At one the bride insisted on "Yesterday".
    "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
    Now it looks as though they're here to stay
    Oh, I believe in yesterday

    Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be
    There's a shadow hanging over me
    Oh, yesterday came suddenly

    Why she had to go
    I don't know, she wouldn't say
    I said something wrong
    Now I long for yesterday

    Yesterday love was such an easy game to play
    Now I need a place to hide away"