Overhyped Things That Don't Disappoint: Hamilton
We went to visit family in Chicago and in the process saw Hamilton there. While expensive, it was a lot cheaper than New York and having listened to the Broadway cast album many times, I think the cast in Chicago was very competitive with Broadway. And it was fabulous. Really. I know there is a tendency if one spends a lot of money on an event to convince oneself it was worth the money, but it really was in this case.
In most musicals I walk out singing a particular song. Out of Hamilton, I find myself singing about 8 songs. I had one pre-show decision in which I am not sure if I did the right thing -- I had a choice of listening to the soundtrack in advance or seeing the musical fresh on the stage. I chose the former, mainly because in several songs the lyrics are so clever and come so fast and furious that it take a number of listenings to really appreciate them. But I probably missed something by not seeing it fresh and new on the stage.
I will say that this has got to be the most unlikely musical ever. I can just see the pitch -- I want to do a musical in rap featuring Hamilton and Jefferson debating about Federal assumption of state debt. Seriously, it sounds more like a lead in to a Leonard Pinth-Garnell sketch on Really Bad Musical Theater on SNL. But it works.
Still, #TeamBurr.
"I will say that this has got to be the most unlikely musical ever. I can just see the pitch -- I want to do a musical in rap featuring Hamilton and Jefferson debating about Federal assumption of state debt."
No, the most unlikely musical ever (today) is an English operetta about MLK Jr. or Toussaint Louverture.
Most rap is abysmal…probably since the barrier to entry is so low....as are modern expectations about artistic talent.
Not a big rap/hip-hop fan but I know it can be super-catchy and rhythmically infectious under the right conditions.
I won’t pollute the blog real estate here with more video images but paste the below titles into YouTube to see two great, proto-rap tunes, rap with a live band, my favorite French rapper and some classic, cowboy-style swagger, gangsta rap:
Chuck Berry - Too Much Monkey Business
Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues
Gang Starr - It's Gettin' Hectic
MC Solaar - Nouveau Western
2Pac - Open Fire (Original)
You're the worst.
I wouldn't see it. Not that I'm near enough to a performance, anyway.
Yeah, but you're probably a fine person so it all balances out in the end.
The question is, will the musical be able to live up to the incorrect quotes from it?
Weird Al - excellent rapper "Bob" "Isle thing" "Amish Paradise" "White and Nerdy"
Bob is a parody of the Dylan entry you listed.
A riveting, pro immigrant musical about one of the co-writers of the Alien Sedition Act...
Ouch. [Please apply water to burned area].