News Feature on Camp Hosting

Two our our employees, and tangentially our company's labor model, were featured in the San Diego paper the other day along with some video.


  1. marque2:

    Complimentary Duct tape, nice touch. I live close to the campground, but have never been on the Sunrise highway. I drive to Julian all the time from 78 (really Highway 67 - to 78), from but never saw the turnoff north of lake Cuyamaca. Maybe we are still logy from the Apple pie in Julian. We always end up hiking around Cuyamaca which is still quite pretty even though it burnt down a few years ago - and then drive the rest of the way down to the 8 freeway. Long Day trip. Will have to look for that S1 turnoff someday and check out Mt Laguna. I know your campground is closed in Winter, but I have read it has good snow sledding areas for the kids.

  2. jim jones:

    I think you should start up in China, camping is going to be huge there when the Chinese get over their fear of nature

  3. Patrick:

    Re: "The only discernible difference between the jobs each couple does is that the paid hosts have to clean the restrooms"...
    Makes me wonder what the restroom situation's like up at Mt. Palomar. I kind of suspect that the State of California pays more to have them cleaned and they still end up way dirtier, especially on weekends.