Is This The Hill You Want to Die On?

My managers often get frustrated with the government entities for whom we operate facilities.  They frequently try to escalate trivial issues.  I then attempt to explain to them that they only have a limited number of "points" they can spend in trying to get action in conflicts, and that spending these points on trivial problems is both a waste of time and counter-productive to solving larger problems that crop up later where we really do need to go to the mattresses.  I frequently ask them "Is this the hill you want to die on?"  I feel like this is a concept that no one ever taught Donald Trump.  He seems willing to die on any hill that happens to wander into his path.  Maybe that is why his core of supporters love him, I don't know.

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And that same guy will appear on the next hill, and the one after that, and every hill after that, as long as you have legs left to flee on, until there is no hill left.

Fair enough. Your points are well taken.
Your observations are correct -- even if your conclusion might be suspect (that the left is trying a coup). It could be that leftists in mainstream media and in politics just cannot comprehend that fellow leftists such as Jared Lee Loughner and James Hodgkinson are just as much representative of leftists as David Duke is representative of conservatives. (Neither one is representative; yet their participation in the respective movements need to be rejected.)

Phoenix PD repeatedly slammed for keeping the peace by the leftist loonies. Is THIS the hill they want to die on? Obviously, the antifa is pissed they could not riot successfully in Phoenix,AZ after a President Trump Rally.