Thank You

I don't think I was effusive enough in my previous post in thanking everyone who left such nice comments and/or sent me the great emails.  I really appreciate all the support and it makes a big difference.  Happy Fathers Day.  I am spending mine on the road for business, but in the outdoor recreation business there is no such day as a holiday during the summer time.


  1. Jens Fiederer:

    You are still blogging. What could be better?

  2. Mitch Parker:

    Summer time is best for business! Also, I am going to try to use 'effusive' today. What a nice word.

  3. Max:

    Then have a nice Father's day! It's good to be in a world where long range communication and is everywhere and affordable

  4. kidmugsy:

    Say not the fight nought availeth. Keep up the good work. Stay calm and carry on.

  5. kidmugsy:

    "I don't think I was effusive enough": oh, don't become effusive. I come here for your intelligent reflections on the lessons you learn from your business life. Effusion is an enemy of clarity of thought and expression.

  6. tfowler:

    I was late to see that previous post, but I'm glad you decided to keep blogging.