Greatest Video on Management Ever
Perhaps it is just because of the day I have had, but I am increasingly convinced that this video portrays the true experience of running a company better than any other video I have seen
Dispatches from District 48
Perhaps it is just because of the day I have had, but I am increasingly convinced that this video portrays the true experience of running a company better than any other video I have seen
Yes! I have a class on Leading Change in a few weeks. Basically how to convince those people to do things differently.
Whom are you calling as stupid as these guards? Middle management?
Middle Managers, front-line supervisors, analysts, sales reps, everyone...
Most people seem half asleep while at work and completely resistant to changing how they pass the time while there.
Probably more along the line of communication issues, as follows:
For most, resistance to change seems more a function of perceived incentives, and how much the entire chain of management are advocates.