Coyote Climate Talk in LA Area This Week

I am speaking on Wednesday night at the Athenaeum at Claremont-McKenna College near Pomona on Wednesday, February 24.  I believe it is open to the public and is free but requires you to call ahead and reserve a spot.  Come by a say hi if you are in the area.


  1. Rob McMillin:

    Well, bummer. Used to be that was a reasonable drive from home.

  2. jimcraq:

    Very brave of you.

    I believe only those in the Claremont colleges are eligible to sign up for the reservation, which includes a meal (and perhaps rotten fruit & vegetables to throw at the devil incarnate male white privileged capitalist roader climate denier).

    The rest of us just sit outside the dining room, no reservation required.

  3. Brad Warbiany:

    Damn... I'd love to come up there and finally get a chance to meet you after knowing you through the blogosphere for probably near a decade now...

    ...but alas, I fly to Denver that day and don't get back until Friday.

  4. sean2829:

    My old Alma Mater, Harvey Mudd College (HMC) is one of the 7 colleges that make up the Claremont Colleges of which Claremont McKenna is a member. The current president of HMC, Marie Klawe, must be very passionate about climate change alarmism as they had Mary Nichols of CARB as the graduation speaker and a year or two later had Bill Nye the science guy. It certainly seems this president wants to have the most politically correct science and engineering college in the country. I wonder if any of the current HMC students will venture down the street to see your lecture to get a different view of the climate picture.

  5. HenryBowman419:

    Hope you will be provided bodyguards.

  6. making_good_choices:

    The talk was a joke. No science, no basis for anything he said. His most frequent quote was "they are stupid."