New Star Wars Trailer

I didn't see any gratuitous lens flairs until about 1:42 so I am not sure this is really JJ Abrams.  But I must admit that despite the total crapitude of Episodes 1-3, I am excited.

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meesa hopsa thisa better than the prequels!

After the total craptitude of the first book of the "reimagined universe," I am not.

JJ Abrams stinks up the screen whenever he makes anything

Episode 3 was better than Episode 6, Mr. Meyer, but we'll agree to disagree here. I also thought Zak Snyder was the quintessential lens flare director, but I'll take you at your word here :)

Lens flare. Not flair.

If you liked how he stupidly and clumsily borked his way through Star Trek, you're going to love Star Wars.

Maybe this time the storm troopers will have armor that actually protects them.

this is awful. when did the force go to sleep?

Hmm, I think 5 is usually considered the best.

5-4-1-6-3-2 would be my order.