Wherein Coyote Learns to Troll
I have never made for a particularly good Internet troll. Seeing too much nuance can disqualify one. I have made a number of climate posts that have gotten a lot of attention and backlash, but that is a debate where saying even obvious things like "20 degrees C is not twice as warm as 10 C" will get one a swarm of comments labeling one as an extreme Koch-funded denier [as an editorial aside, this is not a joke example -- I have actually had experiences like this multiple times, trying to correct media articles that say that, say, an increase of 3C over current average temperature 12C represents a 25% increase. Mark Steyn has a great riposte to this, arguing that if they would just switch to Fahrenheit, then the percentage warming would be reduced. The same journalists making this mistake have likely labelled skeptics as "anti-science".]
All that being said, and I am not sure why I can't produce a simple one sentence post, I have hit some sort of record for this blog, with over 200 comments on this immigration fence question.
Immigration is illegal unless permitted. If you are not from a visa-free partner country, then getting here takes a visa. If you want to stay, even if you are English speaking and educated, then the process still requires approvals, permissions and licenses. If I told you a country allowed free speech, but you had to get a form signed and stamped in order to give a political speech and you had to wait three years before you could publish a book, would you still say it was free speech?
We have a system of regulated immigration, but immigration without a license is illegal. I think that crossing a border should need as much licensing as crossing the street, going to church, or waving to a friend.
Even legal immigration can take years and is incredibly opaque, with experienced lawyers in the area unable to predict outcomes in many cases. I think what you mean is that the US takes in a lot of immigrants in raw numbers, which is true. But the system is actually far more bureaucratic and random, and even very good candidates for naturalization can wait five or ten years to get anything from it.
It's not ethical to initiate force against people purely to serve political or economic ends. I don't care if you call it anarchy or minarchy, because those are instrumental. Calling yourself "the government" does not empower you with any extra rights or ethical powers. People operating through governments must behave by all the same ethical rules as apply to everyone.
If you agree that a non-trespassing entrance into the US is fine, then I'm sure at least one person with border-adjacent property is willing to sponsor their property as an entry point - or is willing to sell passage rights to immigrants who pool their money.
Well, your problem with non-trespassing entrance onto your hypothetical person's land is this - how is he going to exit the land? Can't use the roads because they are owned by the government or the government has an exclusive easement and the government can certainly exclude illegal immigrants from its property, per your own arguments.
As to your ethical argument. If it is "not ethical to initiate force against people purely to serve...economic ends" then it is your position that it is unethical for anyone to use force to stop someone (or a group of people) from entering my home and taking everything in it. Good luck selling that to the public.
I don't think the government can exclude immigrants from the public right of way. That's dangerous territory that would allow the government to exert enormous controls over the entire population, not just immigrants.
My point was not that the government may exclude people. My point was that libertarians using the "immigration is trespassing" argument presume the government owns the whole country, and that is not libertarian.
I can tell you are not a libertarian if the phrase "initiation of force" is unfamiliar to you. The point is that you may use force to defend yourself and to defend your own justly acquired property, and to defend the lives and justly acquired property of others. But you may not use force against peaceful people who are not threatening you or your property. It's not pacifism, it just means that the government cannot threaten force or violence to get what it wants.
So you can use or threaten force to defend your home or the home of your neighbor. You can't use force to convert your neighbor's religion, or make him stop hiring immigrants, or to make him live in a segregated neighborhood. You may defend your rights but not interfere with the rights of others. Immigration laws use force and the threat of violence to obstruct migrants from engaging in the freedom of movement.
That's already happening. The Tea Party movement is more libertarians than conservatives.
Over 200 comments? You have way too much free time. Hard to believe that regulations are creating problems for you.
Well, I don't admit it is contradictory. As you are well aware, the moral principle as you articulate it contains a not so well concealed trap and I reject your premise as overly reductionistic. It makes no distinction between invidious reasons for limiting migration and innocent ones. Under your theory, refugees, terrorists, persons afflicted with ebola, and simple job seekers all have the same moral standing to freely cross borders because it is a natural right of an individual and there is no societal interest in differentiating between them. (Non-interference to the max, yo!) I beg to differ.
If you want a moral principal articulated by me, it would be along the lines of this: The manifestation of the will of the people has a right to secure itself within the area of its cultural jurisdiction (i.e. within the boundary of where its laws and customs are enforceable) from external threats. It is a cumbersome and inexact way to describe it, but really it is merely the societal extension of the basic rights to self defense we afford an individual.
When worded in this manner, it is clear that there is a difference between securing yourself from a perceived external threat and forcibly preventing someone from leaving your jurisdiction for another one. now you may not agree with what is considered a potential threat, but that is an issue of policy, not morals.
Certainly thought provoking... Off hand, I guess I can think of a few instance where this is true. I would argue we do do this with our penal system. We also commit the very mentally ill. No contact orders and living/working restrictions we placew on certain classes of former criminals may also fall under this category.
I don't accept that some non-specific manifestation of a tribe's will creates any extra ethical powers or rights. I'd say that a group of people have the same right to self-defense that the constituent individuals have, but no extra.
An individual can ethically act to defend themselves from invasion by a terrorist, provided they follow conventions of evidence and due process, or from infection by quarantining a dangerously contagious individual (you don't have to passively submit to being infected with a deadly disease). An individual cannot act to stop two strangers from entering into a job contract or selling the property down the road. Aggregating multiple individuals together doesn't mean any one of them individually has a right to object.
I also take issue with the "cultural jurisdiction" presumption, given the incredibly broad and subjective definition of culture. Are Boston, Memphis and New Mexico all the same culture as Seattle? Is it not possible that Maine and New Brunswick have more culture in common with each other than they do with New Mexico? Or that Seattle is more similar to Vancouver than it is to Miami? I'd sooner accept a legalistic fiat definition of jurisdiction as "the area where a government, army, tribe or warlord exerts authority over the legitimate use of force and repels upstart or rival governments." Governments are arbitrary lines and have mostly very sharp borders, whereas cultures have vague and ever-shifting borders.
So the government can't exclude law-breakers from government provided goods (i.e. roads)? That's crazy.
OK, so I can use force to defend my home or the home of my neighbor. Very good. Can my neighbors and I get together and form a voluntary association where we agree to defend each other's homes?
Well I will remember to have my lawyer ready when Boko Haram comes to town! But seriously though, how is quarantining someone inside a border any different than preventing them from entering the border in the first place?
Governments are really an emergent property of people choosing to associate together and cooperate towards common goals. That is why I say "manifestation of the will of the people" (an unwieldy phrase if there ever was one) They are an organic force that encapsulates the larger ethos that drives that community and the laws are the practical extension of that ethos. The extra power comes from the delegation of power in the form of charters and constitutions in our case. It is easy to see it as an alien an oppressive force when it is so often at variance with our own personal creed, but alas, that is the lot of the losertarian. I sympathize, I really do. I may disagree with you on this issue, but in many ways it frightens me just how both parties represent the looters and moochers in our modern age. (I anticipate the next argument to be that you personally signed no compact with, or to form the current gov't. To this I say you can always renounce your citizenship. Until that day you tell the good ole US to bugger off, you are implicitly accepting the terms of the original social compact)
As for cultural jurisdiction I would argue we are an amazingly homogeneous culture and that is why our country has persisted and prospered so well. True, there are subcultures present, but they do seem to share in a larger american ideal, at least currently. This is something where I have to say the dose makes the poison. Diversity is great and enriches us greatly; I am particularly fond of indian food, for instance. But recently there has been complaints about "cultural appropriation" from the ranks of the fervid multiculturalists. Of course the opposite of "cultural appropriation" is balkanization, which didn't work out so well for the balkans. If we ever do decide that the american idea encompasses too divergent philosophies, the best we can hope for is to end up like Czechoslovakia, at worst it can be another yugoslavia.
But fine, I will agree to the use of the legalistic definition instead of the cultural one. Doesn't significantly change the principle I stated.
The false dichotomy is in assuming that no other possibilities exist beyond the two presented by NL7. I do respect his position and agree that he/she is being internally consistent, but I do think we are starting from fairly different axioms. You can see my rather unartful articulation of a different principle above. I will have to think of a better formulation in the future that is better defined, but it does offer a different moral interpretation of border control
I understand what you're saying, but NL7 is mainly trying to take a person's moral principle to its logical conclusion. If the principle doesn't carry through, then it's a bad principle that needs to be abandoned. He isn't saying that there's no middle ground on the immigration debate, just that the principles being used to justify immigration restrictions are not being applied consistently. What usually happens is a person reaches a conclusion on a given issue before truly evaluating the "why." Then that person works backward and creates a number of post-hoc justifications that do not hold up to any kind of rigorous scrutiny.
I appreciate that you're being thoughtful and that you're concerned about creating a sound principle.
The gut instinct would be for me to say because a prison is not just another house and a gulag is not a full employment economic opportunity program. But that would be unfair to your question which does ask an interesting philosophical question. Hmmm...
There are cases where forced immigration has happened, usually as an alternative to capital punishment but it is difficult to call that oppression exactly in that case. I suppose I would say, however, exile could be a form of oppression for a number of political asylum seekers and so forth. The Dalai-Lama and other religious leaders of Tibet come to mind. Depending on your political persuasion you may consider the plight of the Palestinians to fit in this category. Certainly the forced migrations along ethnic lines during the breakup of Yugoslavia or the during the various purges and relocations within the USSR would count,
So yes, I guess I would agree that forcible immigration is also oppressive in many instances but there is still a qualitative difference between these two phrases:
1. Go wherever you want, just not here
2. You can't go anywhere you want, you'll stay here
The government doesn't exclude law breakers from roads, it arrests them.
You can form voluntary associations for defense and you can hire others to defend you. But your association or hired defenders have no more powers than you do on your own behalf.
Here's the thing, many of the news sites are bastions of "liberal" thought and policed by "liberal" mods. Thing is, they're not liberals...just a different variety of extremist conservative...and the entire place has been turned into a circle jerk. So anyone (like yourself) not towing the line is assumed to be insane, a shill, a troll and quickly censored/banned. This of course reinforces the perception that anyone "intelligent" must be one of their supporters.
And at this point, it's truly amazing. It doesn't matter how well documented your sources are. If someone says "superstorm" sandy was made worse by climate change related sea level changes and you direct them to the tide gage record for The Battery, NY which shows an essentially constant rate of rise for 100 years...you will still be censored. It doesn't matter if you contest the ability to even know the earth's temperature by pointing out that the global temperature as stated on the official NOAA (or was it NASA) website in 1997 was almost 2C higher than the "record high" temperature as stated in 2015. It doesn't matter if it's SELF documented insanity, like the person saying that jobs are being outsourced to cheap labor overseas and then turning around to say that an increase of minimum wage never decreases jobs.
Arresting people on public roads is a way to exclude them from the roads, no?
Anyway, I'm glad that I can form a voluntary association for the defense of my property and my neighbors property. Maybe we will invite more neighbors to join and even more neighbors. I think I will call my association the United States of America.
does this scenario involve owning those migrants? I mean, you aren't purchasing them are you. So do you have a right to bring them in? I'm no expert but I don't know that there are any moral rights that you are granted with another person other to enter into an agreement with that person. I want to have my imprisoned brother over for dinner tonight. are my rights being affected by the warden not allowing that? I would presume not.
Arrest is distinct from exclusion. The government doesn't exercise a property owner's prerogative to exclude criminals from its property; the government exercises its law enforcement powers to arrest criminals anywhere in the jurisdiction of the US. You can get similar results via different powers.
Yeah, the idea of a defense association forming courts and merging into a country has been thoroughly discussed and dissected by libertarians anarchists. Nozick covered it in Anarchy, State & Utopia. You really telegraphed that argument early on, but I don't see how it affects your argument at all.
The idea of forming a defense association is fine. It can have courts, insurance, police, and an army - all fine. It becomes coercive when you require people in a geographically defined territory to join your association or force them to pay to support it. And defense doesn't justify arresting peaceful migrants who enter private property by invitation.
Actually, there are situations where states prohibit emigration that seem pretty moral:
1) Avoiding a military draft.
2) Avoiding being jailed.
The military draft is an interesting question, because it is very coercive indeed.
I used it in argument with a woman that we could in fact force women to have more children if needed. She said that it was funny that the government never attempted to control men's bodies. Well, the state does in times of war, and its a very serious control.
Women used to vote Republican because that was the party of women's suffrage.
Obviously voters are fickle creatures and tend not to stay attached to one party.
I predict more Asian and Hispanic conservatives. Look at the actual candidates for president of both parties. Which party looks more like you?
Also, Trump's message attracts black voters. Breaking into those voter reserves of the Democrats could be very bad for the Democrats.
Note: I don't like Trump.
That's great, thanks. I just wanted somebody opposed to open borders to admit that maybe it doesn't make a difference which side the guards stand on - but why they enforce the fence at all.
The problem with "who looks like you" is that having black, Hispanic and Indian American candidates has not really shifted the needle or caused many voters to switch parties.
The two Hispanic GOP candidates do not poll particularly well with Hispanic Americans. Rubio does all right, but Cruz is less popular than Anglo Republicans. Probably the most popular Republican among Hispanic Americans is Jeb, who's New England WASP but fluent in Spanish. The highest-polling Republican insulted Jeb for speaking Spanish in public.
Jindal polls shockingly poorly among Indian Americans, which has been the source of some discussion. It may be his efforts to distance himself from Hinduism and immigration that have caused a backlash.
Even where the GOP is falling all over itself to support Israel, and Obama is arguably more openly alienated from the Israeli government than presidents have been in decades, we still see that most Jewish Democrats have remained Democrats.
It's a mistake to think that voters will move just because some candidates look like them. Black people were solid Democratic voters for generations, helping to elect scores of white candidates. The majority of Hispanic and Asian Americans tend to vote for Democrats, and overwhelmingly for Obama. It's not enough to find a few prominent nonwhite politicians and expect nonwhite Americans to convert to being Republican. That's not any more likely than Christian conservatives were going to defect en masse to the Democrats if an explicitly religious candidate like Lieberman or Edwards had been nominated in 2004.
Whereas, if the Republicans continue to reward harsh and belligerent rhetoric on immigration, then I think plenty of nonwhite, non-anglo Americans might feel alienated - even those who agree on limiting immigration can be turned off by the rhetoric and the signaling.
I think a larger problem here is that, if you heard a loud guy on TV arguing that police need the benefit of the doubt when they injure suspects, and saying there are too many immigrants taking too much welfare, don't you have a good idea which party the guy is supporting?
Maybe if more Republicans made overtures like Rand Paul - support for giving felons back the right to vote, limiting police access to military hardware, and loosening the jail sentences for nonviolent crimes - and continued to make them for years in nonwhite communities, then yeah, maybe the GOP could have some progress. Eventually, there could be large cities where Republicans are competitive in the city council (and not just 1 of 20 or 1 of 60 councillors), instead of just sporadically electing a socially liberal GOP mayor.
But the problem is still that you have certain types of conservative who are still going to be Republicans for at least a few decades. For a while there will be proud Republicans who want the police to be more aggressive about policing cities and patrolling nonwhite neighborhoods, who want a big border fence and random raids to catch immigrants at their jobs, and who think affirmative action in universities is more troublesome than racial disparities in policing and incarceration. They are still going to be around, and that makes it hard to appeal to the nonwhite voters who fundamentally disagree with that sort of Republican.
Coyote doesn't make the point. He paints it black and white - any restriction is immoral. He does not consider the welfare state as an issue, even though the existence of government benefits is the core of his argument for government licensing of gay marriage.
When a usually sensible blogger makes horrible logic errors and is utterly inconsistent, lots of comments should not be a surprise.
"Countries, like property owners have right"
So an individual is like a collective? When the rights of the former conflict with the rights of the latter, how do you determine that the latter should prevail?
Morality is how one person treats another. I don't assume that because your brother has been kidnapped and forced to live in a cage that he was treated morally. If he wasn't, then the warden is violating your brother's rights. And if the warden physically stops you from peacefully interacting with your brother, or invades your home to capture your brother when he escapes prison, then the warden is violating your rights too.
But I see your point. If Hutu militants massacred Tutsis who may or may not have one day done business with you, do we say the militants violated your rights, or just the rights of the murdered Tutsis's?
Immigration, of course, is different since those relationships either already exist, or are prevented by means of believable threats of retaliation against both peaceful parties (e.g. if an American airline owner chooses to fly in a Lithuanian without a visa).
"That moral stance is all well and good, but it is not compatible with a citizenship based welfare state"
Some might say that a citizenship-based welfare state is not compatible with morality. But surely anyone interested in morality wouldn't justify some immorality on the basis of the existence of other immorality. Two mistreatments do not cancel.
But if your argument is truly a practical one--faced with a complex situation, how do we avoid well-intended changes that lead to unintended worsening of conditions--you still have to decide what your intention is. Whether or not you know what to do about it, it should be easy for you to decide if immigration restrictions are abusive to Americans and non-Americans alike.
And although practical considerations and uncertainties may recommend cautious decision-making, it should be a straight-forward logical matter for you to dispense with those silly collective-property-rights-equal-individual-property-rights arguments to justify state-imposed border travel restrictions.
"their locust-like presence"
Dehumanize much?
...to everyone except those who didn't want to sell or buy.
"But surely anyone interested in morality wouldn't justify some immorality on the basis of the existence of other immorality. Two mistreatments do not cancel."
That is a completely fair statement. However, we do not get to live in the realm of pure moral theory and adjustments (some quite unpalatable) in order to deal with the situation as it is presented in reality are often made. It is difficult to argue with someone who doesn't think collective rights exist (or at the very least should always be subordinated to the right of the individual) when it is plain to see that reality has produced a system where strong collective rights do exist and must be accounted for. I note here too that the "collective right" I have invoked in many of my arguments is no different than the individual right. It is the right of self defense. I believe that a community has just as much moral right to defend its integrity and dignity as an individual does. That doesn't mean that I always agree with what is constituted a threat to the community, but we have a "manifestation of the will of the people" known as a representative republic that balances my beliefs and goals against 300 million others and finds a generally workable compromise.
One other thing, I usually find calls for 100% more consistency to be rather self serving. If a person looks deep within themselves they can usually find contradictions in their personal ethos. I note that even here in this thread you will find that exceptions can be made to individual rights if the cause is right. (passively accepting the disease ridden and terrorists into their midst, for instance. they just lamely seem to say that the community doesn't have the same right or interest as an individual in self protection) Another good one was the comment that was rather approving of using the courts as a shortcut to upholding rights vs. using the democratic legislative system. Talk about coercive of everyones rights unequally! For every gay marriage decision there is a kelo. For every Brown v Board there is a Wickard v Filburn.
But let us return to the original argument at hand, a fence to keep people out vs in. Do you think these two phrases are qualitatively equal in terms of individual liberty:
1. Go wherever you want, just not here
2. You can't go anywhere you want, you'll stay here
"It is difficult to argue with someone who doesn't think collective rights exist (or at the very least should always be subordinated to the right of the individual) when it is plain to see that reality has produced a system where strong collective rights do exist and must be accounted for."
It is difficult to argue with someone who refuses to make a moral judgement in a moral argument. Think of all the issues you pass judgement on, including various legislation and court decisions. Why then, are you unwilling to make a judgement on the morality of the system you describe? I imagine if you and I were arguing in a Vladivostok coffee shop circa 1960 about the morality of forced collectivization of farming, your reply would be, "How can I argue with someone who doesn't accept that we live in a communist system?"
"I note here too that the "collective right" I have invoked in many of my arguments is no different than the individual right."
I understand that. You think the collective is the same as the individual. But you are sorely (and dangerously) mistaken.
"we have a "manifestation of the will of the people" known as a representative republic"
Odd how you feel the need to put that in quotes, as though you understand that it is a literal falsehood (which obviously it is), but insist on accepting it anyway.
"I usually find calls for 100% more consistency to be rather self serving"
Self-serving is when you pick and choose your moral exceptions to achieve your desired ends.
"If a person looks deep within themselves they can usually find contradictions in their personal ethos."
Most people do so to try to identify where they are in error. You seem to embrace contradiction as goal and a virtue, because of its usefulness for justifying whatever behavior you choose.
"exceptions can be made to individual rights if the cause is right. (passively accepting the disease ridden and terrorists into their midst, for instance"
How so?
"they just lamely seem to say that the community doesn't have the same right or interest as an individual in self protection"
Of course, it doesn't. Interest (like rights) is behavior only individual human beings are capable of expressing. If your logic doesn't fail you, and you only use collective language as a shorthand for numbers of individuals, then you would have no problem expressing such concepts in terms of exclusively individuals. On the other hand, if you insist on not only seeing conflict between collectives and individuals, but defend the former over the latter, then clearly you believe collectives have something beyond mere numbers that individuals do not. That, of course, is an impossibility with humans.
You have thrown out many of the arguments used to defend collectivism, but like all collectivists, you fail to see that the group has nothing that doesn't come from the individual decision makers.
Ultimately for a moral person, realistic scenarios provide very simple decisions. E.g., if you see a pregnant woman peacefully walking across an open desert in violation of some distant politician's border demands, or a peaceful consultant overstaying a politician-imposed visa, etc., would you personally feel justified in using violence against them? There is only one decent answer.
"1. Go wherever you want, just not here, 2. You can't go anywhere you want, you'll stay here"
Despite the differences, the similarities of both (in this context) are important--a peaceful human being wanders into a wall of armed men who neither own the right-of-way, nor were permitted by each owner of the right of way to block anyone's passage. If those men want to go home and secure their own property, they can feel free. If they want to barricade my property, or launch violence against those whom I've peacefully invited to my property, then they are out of line.
But to understand this, one must have a notion of individual, as opposed to collective, rights.
Wow. So if I don't take as my personal ethos the most absolute position on any particular individual rights issue I'm some amoral (immoral?) collectivist? Pardon me if I believe that individual rights, while expansive, have practical limitations. Your stance that either you believe in absolute rights or you are some oppressive collectivist carries a fiery passion of fanaticism worthy of the inquisition.
As I mentioned in a response to someone else, I don't believe governments are a wholly artificial creation, nor are borders. They are an emergent property that arises pretty much whenever a group of people gather as a community (onoz, there's that word again) for the attainment of common goals, whether it be commerce or protection. For whatever reason, human beings tend to prefer hierarchical order and that desire for order manifests itself in a number of different ways. Hence I say "manifestation of the will of the people", not in scare quotes because of its inherent falsity, but because that form that manifestation eventually takes is different based upon culture and history of the community that created It. You may not think your government represents you well, or legitimately even, but as long as you are a citizen, you are implicitly accepting that particular social contract. If you don't like it or don't want to be part of it, fine, renounce your citizenship.
This is not so say I agree with my gov't on a lot of things, because I don't. I think the entitlements should be privatized or eliminated; I think the various research arms of gov't should be privatized; I think all government subsidies should be abolished. I think nearly all forms of government licensing are crony scams and should be abolished. Civil forfeiture laws and eminent domain are flat out disgusting. I think Income taxes and property taxes are immoral and should be abolished I believe there are innumerable laws on the books that that are nothing more than social engineering devices like smoking and prostitution bans or the drug war that should be done away with, and yet here I am being called a collectivist. That is true only to the extent that I am not an Anarchocapitalist. My current views are fairly closely attuned to Minarchism.
My sympathies do lie towards more freedom of migration. If somebody wants a job or a better life here, fine. But I don't think that open borders is compatible with a welfare state, and I do think there is a non-zero societal interest in understanding who is coming into our borders even if you don't place restrictions on their movement otherwise. I have no moral qualm stopping busloads of ebola carriers at the border and take no issue with stopping violent criminals and known terrorists as well. i have no moral qualm distinguishing between categories of people and saying some are less of a threat than others. (Like your example of the pregnant woman or consultant, I too can pick examples sympathetic to my cause...)
What you deride as "some politician's decree" is really us, through the power of elections providing a roughly summed vector of the peoples will at a particular moment in time. Now if we were talking about living under idi amin or some other tin-horn dictator where the people truly have no choice, that becomes more of an argument
Is majority rule inherently moral? No, it is not. A whole lot of very immoral things have happened with majority approval. However, it is a probably the most pragmatic system for balancing 300 million different viewpoints so that we can (mostly) live with one another.
It is clear that we are operating from fundamentally different axioms here. Despite everything, I do respect the purity of your approach; I just severely question its practical value. I have no problem answering the question I posed to you in the last post: The second statement is far more damaging of individual rights. In a world where no open borders exist, those two situations are the ones that are generally operative. Given two choices which are imperfect, I choose the path that offers the most freedom for the most people as being the moral position. I suppose I can see why that sort of moral pragmatism brings no comfort, but that's what I've got for you, collectivist or no.
}}} All countries should allow open borders.
Why? This idea is simply RETARDED. Anyone aware of the Tragedy of the Commons can see why it's an imbecilic claim. The land and resources of the nations of this world do not belong to all the world's people, and if you truly support your above quoted idiocy, then by all means, IMMEDIATELY surrender ALL your private property rights to the homeless, and tell them all they can squat anywhere on your property -- including inside your house -- that they wish to. Remove all the locks on your doors, of your house, your car, anything you own.
Send us pictures, by all means. The result should be amusing, for at least as long as you manage to retain possession of a computer and a camera, which I'm sure won't be long.
Only for traditionally limited purposes, though that's been recently refuted by idiotic SCotUS decisions.
}}} Calling yourself "the government" does not empower you with any extra rights or ethical powers. People operating through governments must behave by all the same ethical rules as apply to everyone.
Wow, more retarded dunderheadedness.
No, they don't. Not the least of which is that the government necessarily DOES have the right to use force for the public weal, or else your police are limited to shouting after fleeing murderers, "STOP, or I shall shout 'STOP!' again!!"
They do not have the right to stop violent mobs from attacking firefighters, either.
Actually, police are utterly useless without the authority to use violence. The propriety of such violence is carefully designed and measured, but protecting the borders from people of unknown DANGER from crossing them is clearly arguable as in the public WEAL.
For that matter, taken to its logical conclusion, by your argument you CAN'T justify your military -- or militia or WHATEVER -- stopping an invading army from crossing the border -- because hey, they've got just as much "right" to be here as any other "immigrant". The pillage and plunder being committed is just a bit less OVERT is all.
}}}}}} And accepting the "fact" of their locust-like presence will be overwhelmed by the collapse of government that will follow from opening the borders to all and sundry...
}}} "their locust-like presence" Dehumanize much?
Use your brain, much, other than to supplant a vacuum from existing between your ears?
In the end, the result would be indistinguishable. I cite again the Tragedy of the Commons, which your lot is preposterously arguing applies to the entire nation -- it becomes a commons for any and all in the world.
You're not even libertarians -- libertarians understand the concept of private property, which necessarily can only exist when the group surrenders some powers to the State to assist them in protecting such. And which obviously is extended jointly to the people of a nation to the notion of "national property" property communally owned by the people of the nation, which some individual does not claim specific right to -- and which is in the interests of members of that nation to protect and defend from external takers.
Anything less an the result is anarchy, where, in its purest terms, might makes right. And no matter how well armed and powerful you are, there's some group out there willing and able to take what you have if you're alone and unwilling to apply a deadman switch to a nuclear trigger... which definitely would violate libertarian ethics, too.
You're applying the fallacy of thinking you're capable of simple reasoning.
The notion that there IS NOT an "optimax" for the two competing forces is a stupid example of reductio ad absurdum that you can't even grasp DOES result in "absurdum".
Welcome to the Real World, where absolutes don't exist in human interactions.
}}} It's contradictory to believe that people have freedom of movement when they are fellow citizens but not when they are foreign citizens.
Geezus, you're a freaking moron. NOTHING you claim can be justified at all. It's nothing less than an absurdist position, and it's hard to believe you're doing anything except TROLLING.
I seriously expect you to demonstrate that you own no property of your own -- of any kind -- which you don't deny access to of others -- I mean, how can you argue for "freedom" if you deny others the freedom of using whatever they deem fit -- including "your things".
If so, exactly how are you posting on the internet? You own nothing at all -- including money (i.e., no internet cafes for you!!) -- so you can't possibly be doing anything except using a "stolen" library card (clearly, its owner had no right to it, correct?) to access public library computers for the purpose...
I suppose it could be, if the attempted emigratees were diseased in some manner that they'd be transmitting a plague around the world.
What plague are you arguing applies, here?
You are truly condescending for someone who isn't very bright.
Re-read your post. It's vapid. "Real world" is just an intellectual cop-out, an excuse to avoid having a real discussion about ethical frameworks. You don't want to think in extremes (as you see them, anyway) because you'd prefer to just jump to your already decided conclusion on immigration and then work backward until you find a good enough reason. That's truly pathetic.