My Latest Short Story Free this Week on Amazon Kindle

My latest short story is listed at $0.99 on Kindle (the cheapest one can list something for) but is available for free through December 24.  It's called String Theory and is the result of a fun discussion my daughter and I had combined with a long, boring airplane ride.

And my novel BMOC is still available on Kindle and as an actual dead-tree book. [link fixed]

I keep saying the new novel is coming soon, but it is coming soon if I can get my act together and polish a few things.

Update:  #16 #2 for Kindle reads under 45 minutes in the Science Fiction & Fantasy section.  LOL.  If we could just segment it a bit finer, I might make #1.

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That second link is bad.

awesome. Just ordered BMOC, but do have some trouble getting String Theory (Amazon refers from my German to my UK to my US account). If I shouldn't get it I might ask you for a pdf. Sure I will enjoy it and thanks for the Blog

"latest short story"? Have there been other short stories?

Can't buy it in Europe or my smart phone doesn't like it. Amazon tells me it is not available in Europe O-o

OK for some reason it worked from my kindle.

Good read. Kinda reminded me of 'The Coffin Cure' by Alan Nourse (1957) but better.

Good short read. Has an 'old school' feel to it.

Gratulations for your success, I will check it out :)