My Latest Short Story Free this Week on Amazon Kindle

My latest short story is listed at $0.99 on Kindle (the cheapest one can list something for) but is available for free through December 24.  It's called String Theory and is the result of a fun discussion my daughter and I had combined with a long, boring airplane ride.

And my novel BMOC is still available on Kindle and as an actual dead-tree book. [link fixed]

I keep saying the new novel is coming soon, but it is coming soon if I can get my act together and polish a few things.

Update:  #16 #2 for Kindle reads under 45 minutes in the Science Fiction & Fantasy section.  LOL.  If we could just segment it a bit finer, I might make #1.


  1. Onlooker from Troy:

    That second link is bad.

  2. disqus_GcnH4oAGmi:

    awesome. Just ordered BMOC, but do have some trouble getting String Theory (Amazon refers from my German to my UK to my US account). If I shouldn't get it I might ask you for a pdf. Sure I will enjoy it and thanks for the Blog

  3. Solomon Foster:

    "latest short story"? Have there been other short stories?

  4. Max:

    Can't buy it in Europe or my smart phone doesn't like it. Amazon tells me it is not available in Europe O-o

  5. Max:

    OK for some reason it worked from my kindle.

  6. MacBeachBum:

    Good read. Kinda reminded me of 'The Coffin Cure' by Alan Nourse (1957) but better.

  7. joshv:

    Good short read. Has an 'old school' feel to it.

  8. Agata Hydrysiewicz:

    Gratulations for your success, I will check it out :)